Rude childom... :)': (Ep.16)

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Beat Boy's P.O.V:

Onix looked at the necklace a moment hesitating, she rolled the necklace in her hand while thinking, She bit her bottom lip and finally give it to me "This necklace is made in Onyx, close your hand on it when you fell ready" I took it and was going to do it but I needed to know something first "What would happen to me?" She looked at me and then at Alex, she looked at me again "It has my memories… you would know who I am after this" She took my hand to close it on the necklace………………………………………I was in a different place… it was beautiful… There where mountains half disappeared in the clouds and all was covered with white pure snow, I was next to a forest, the silence was strangely comfortable, We could hear sometimes the song of a Robin or the sound of the wind playing through the branches of the trees, I turned around and saw a small village, Then I heard a little girl voice "Ssshhhh, I think the bunny is there…" I looked behind me "Onix? Where are we? And what-" I then realize she didn't hear me, I get closer to her "Onix-" I felt something cold in my stomach and a horrible sensation… she just passed through me! Of course! I'm stupid! We are in one of her memories! She can't see me or hear me! I looked at her closer, She had a white long coat made in cotton and had long white boots made in cotton too with a rare shiny and plated material that was the sole of the shoe, she was also a little but just a little smaller, she was like 7 years old, Alex was also a little smaller but he was still having a lion adult appearance " Here!" She whispered excited pointing at little whole in the snow, she slowly go closer and look into the whole, she sat down on the snow "Bunny…" she called taking a carrot from her pocket "Bunny…" She called again, this time a little pinky nose appeared and sniffed the air, then the rest of the bunny get out and get closer to Onix "Here… come…" she slowly picked the white bunny up and gave him the carrot, sat down Alex next to her, she was feeding the little bunny when I heard other kids voices "Hey! Their's the weirdos Guys!" Onix Ignored the boy that just insulted her and still smiling she gave the bunny an other carrot "Whe're going to have fun…" The same boy said coming closer with 3 more boys and 4 girls, they all had pale skin, not like Onix that had bronzed skin, they looked older too, they where like 9 years old or someones more littles that had 7 or 8, the one that talked first had a white monkey soultwin that was swinging on the boy's shoulder "Weirdos! What are you doing?!" He asked, he had the typical bad boy voice, he stopped just in front of Onix, Onix just petted the little bunny still ignoring the boy with a big smile on her face "Answer Weirdos!" He said kicking the snow to splash her, the bunny ran to his whole scared, Onix just cleaned her face still smiling, what made the guy mad "Stop smiling Weirdos!" He shouted this time making Onix get up "Uuuh Weirdos is scared?" The others laughed and the guy proud of his self crossed his harms, Onix Ignored him again and smiled while turning to go to Alex that was trying to not kill that stupid boy! I was furious, When she turned around the guy pushed her and she felt in the snow with a tund, when she tried to get up the boy splashed her head in the snow! All the kids laughed, and their soultwins seemed a little scared from Onix's one cause he was the biggest one of them, The boy laughed too and all the kids get closer and started to call her everything, while the boy gave her a kick, they said somethings like: "Weirdos is sad!?" "You aren't normal weirdos!" "Monster!" "Go stupid mix!" And more things! The guy splashed her head over and over again in the cold snow, I wanted to help her but I couldn't! Suddenly all the kids shouted, Alex finally roared and started to chase the kids, some seconds later all the kids where gone, Alex returned where Onix was and help her to get up, her hair was wet and her face was red with rest of snow, ice and water, she felt down again and some tears melted to her wet face, she tried to not cry but she let go a long and painful sob, Alex lick gently her face to clean her a little and reconfort her "Onix…" his voice was taller, like mine some years ago "I-I- I told you to not do anything… N-Now we are G-going to have t-troubles…" She said between sobs, I felt so sad for her… "Let's just get home…" Alex help her to walk… Suddenly All became white and when I saw clearly again I was in front of a little house isolate from the rest of the people, near the white forest and in the left side of a beautiful forest lac colour blue ice because of the cold, the house was little but awesome, Onix knocked at the door, A woman with pale skin and black hair opened, she had the same eyes as Onix, but there haven't that special sparkle, she looked at Onix with a sad eyes "Onix…You go to the village again, didn't you?" She nodded "Those kids again?" She asked hugging her, Onix nodded again and hugged back "Why me mom? Why me? They say I'm just a weird mixture…" She said her head in her mother's hair, she picked he up and entered the house with Alex behind them, again everything became white and when everything return to normal I was in the house, Onix was wrapped in a big blanket, she was freezing, Alex was there too, he was under an other blanket next to Onix, her mother came in with a big bucket full of warm water, she take a little blue towel on the table and sat in front of her daughter, a big lion entered the room with a white towel in his mouth, he sat next to Alex and started to clean him, I think it's Onix's mother's soultwin, she started to clean Onix too with the towel and the water "Mom?" Onix asked timidly "Yes my dear?" "Why… the other kids… call me mixture?" Her mother stopped, her soul twin too, they looked to each other and nodded, she took a deep breath and look at her daughter softly "Onix… my dear… you are to young to understand now…" She was going to get up but Onix grabbed her hand "Mom… please… I need to know why! Why Am I different? Why I can't have friends? Why do all the kids hate me? Why do we leave so far of the village? Why they call me the mixture…?" She had so many hurt in her eyes… so many confusion and sadness that her mother hesitate a moment and sat down again "I… Normaly… " She paused, she looked into her daughter 's eyes, bit her bottom lip and continued "Well…Ok… everything started with a little boy… a little boy named Garfield Logan…"


Hey! Just wanted to remember you guys that weekends (unfortunately) I can't have my phone, that means no Wattpad… So I wanted to let you with the doubt! Until next week! >:)

Anyway! Hope you like it! And one last thing… little kids suffer this all the days of her life so I just wanted that you guys remember that for a little girl like Onix… you can help them with just a smile when you see them… And I know what I'm talking about… Thanks… <3 Love you guys! Till next time!

~Dark Magik

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