Don't ever leave me... (Ep.23)

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Plz read the histories from the following person:

- BBRAEalltheway1011

- teen_fangirl

check my 'reading list' plz!!

Also you can follow me in Instangram, my name is: ttgandbbraefan, I have the same pic


Beast Boy's P.O.V:

I heard a knock on my door I looked at my phone... 3:10 am...great... I rolled of my bed and opened the door, there was standing... Terra... Great way to start the day *sarcastic voice* "What?" She looked down "I, wanted to say, sorry" "For what?" She looked up "For... everything?" I did look at her "Ok, if that's everything-" I was about to close the door, but she stopped me "Wait!" "What?" I asked coldly "You don't forgive me... don't you?" I looked at the door "It's difficult" I closed the door, she knocked again "What?!" I almost shouted "Please come on! I said.I'm.sorry! I know! I was stupid! I didn't had to work with Slade... I didn't... had to betray you... But I've changed, I just want us to be friends... again, Please, open" I growled, would I forgive her? I don't know? I need to do it one day... maybe, but well, I'm just going to listen what she needs to say, not a big deal! I opened the door, she started to talk "So...I was stupid, I know... But please, forgive me" I thought a moment... "Ok..." She smiled "Really?" I nodded "Yes... but we aren't... 'good friends' just... teammates, Ok?" She nodded "It's a beginning... night!" "Morning" I replied

Raven's P.O.V:

I wasn't sleeping... I was thinking... since yesterday, I fell a demonic presence, in the Tower... a real big one, I don't like the idea of having a demon in the Tower, so tomorrow I'm doing a 'demon chase', also... there was Beast Boy... That was my biggest problem right now, I don't think is love, for one only reason: "Love kills", my father make sure I knew it... but... maybe he, was wrong, I don't know... I closed my and tries to fall in the darkness of the night...

In the morning!

"Hi Titans" Yawned Robin, it seems that nobody had a good nigh cause nobody was... eemm... well you know... We ate breakfast, I waited for Beast Boy next to the common room's door, when he finally came I told him to come to my room, he followed me, when we where there I took my mirror "You don't mind we talk in my mind? Is the only place.where nobody can hear us" He nodded "It's ok... In your mind? Didn't you say that if I return there you would personally kill me?" He said in a teasing tone, I look at him annoyed, he laughed "Ok, forget what I said!" I rolled my eyes, I took his hand and we entered Nevermore, When we landed he looked at me confused "Soooo... What did you want Rae?" "talk, and don't call me Rae" He gulped, It must be cause I sounded to rude when I said it... I tried to calm down "Beast Boy... You need to explain... well, a lot of things..." He looked a little scared "What things?" "Well..." I put my hood down "You know your... feelings, For... me" I said the last part quietly, he looked more relaxed "Ho, Ok" I waited, he hesitated, thought, and finally talked "Maybe... It doesn't look like that it's difficult to explain..." I nodded... "Yeah..." He took my hands and squeezed them softly "Raven, listen, it's difficult cause I... I never felt this way, never... and I don't think there are, words to... explain what I fell" I looked up at him "Maybe there's a way..." He raised an eyebrow "For what?" I squeezed his hands back "To show me... your feelings, with out... words" He smirked "I'm listening" "Well, first... it could be dangerous..." I said smirking, he blushed "Yeah..." I laughed "No idiot! We are going to meet 'love', my emotion!"........................:3............................... Love' s place was... very... romantic? There were flower trees around a beautiful river, the petals felt slowly, dancing with the air, the sky was painted in an eternal sunset and in a under a pink flower tree was a purple Raven "Rae!!!! Ooh!!... and BB!!!..." she said bushing "He needs, your help" I said embarrassed, she giggled "Well, hello to you too... And how can I... help you" She said starting at Beast Boy... I glared at her "He wants to... show his... 'love'... you know what I mean" A light sparkle in her eyes and she blushed more, she smiled brightly "Sure!!! You just need to kiss him!!! The fact that he is in your mind would free any emotion he would feel... more and in big measures" She said winking "I would... leave you guys, alone"............................................. We where laying on the bench, I had my head on his shoulder, he had his arms around my waist "Raven... The time that past here... is the same than... in the tower?" "No... here...let's say that if we stay a day would just be an hour in the tower" He smiled "Raven..." "Yes?" He took my face in his hands and leaned in, he stopped, our noses where touching "The words that I'm going to say aren't enough to say what I feel... but... I love you" He kissed me softly, I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck... after a while we pulled away, I've know now... I now the truth "I love you too" I answered, he smiled, he was about to say something when we heard giggles behind us, I looked behind, 'Love' was next to a blushing boy, he was... Beast Boy but with a total purple outfit, he was... Beast Boy's 'Love' and... They where... flirting? Ok... Love... well, you know, mine, turned around blushing "Hi Rae! Look Who I found!" Beast Boy's love smiled, Love put her hood up blushing "He was... we where talking and... Hehe... you can do what you where doing plz?" Beast Boy's love put her hood down "You are beautiful, why do you hide?" My Love giggled, and well... They returned to their, how to say... conversation............

A little while later :3

We needed to promise them they would see each other very soon (cause they are part of us so...) Cause they didn't want to let go, finally Beast Boy's love kissed lovely my love and disappeard, My Love was about to cry so I grabbed Beast Boy by the arm and we leaved nevermore "So? Do you know now?" he whispered, I nodded, he opened his arms to me and I ran to hug him, we laid on my bed for a while, just enjoying being with each other when I got a call "Yes?" "Raven?! It's you?" I smiled, It was Melvin! "Hi Melvin! Where are you?" I could hear Timmy and Theether in the background "We are coming! I think we're near Jump City now!" I smiled "That's great!" Beast Boy sat next to me "Who are you talking to?" "Who's that Raven?" I blushed "It's Beast Boy... You will meet him when you arrive, Kay?" She giggled "Timmy wants to know something" "Ok, what is it?" Melvin give the communicator to Timmy "Is that your boyfriend?" He asked blushing, Beast Boy and I blushed "No..." We could hear all their giggles, Melvin took the communicator again "If you say so..." She said giggling, but I couldn't talk right there, cause I could feel a demonic presence, just in the hallway... A very big one... "Beast Boy... can you talk with them a moment please?" My voice cracked at the end, what got Beast Boy worried "Are you Ok?" I nodded "Just... I would be back..." I jump of my bed, Midnight woke up scared because of me but forgiveness later, I went in the hallway, I closed the door behind me and started to walk... each footstep bring me closer to the demon, his aura is black and red... He must be a big one because... Ok... I admit it... I was scared, then...I realize that, only one person could... well only one could scare me more than anything, I took a deep breath... I was shaking in fear, cold sweat ran through my hands, all the bad memories came back... "L-love... d-doesn't k-ki-kill..."
.........................................................I felt a big pain in my back and then in my belly... I felt to my knees... Wake... Tears running down my checks... I hesitated... I touched my belly with two fingers only... I brought them to the level of my sight... blood... dark red blood... Someone... Someone stabbed me


Pfff... Ok! It's been forever since I didn't update!! Sorry! Promise! Next time I update quickly!!
I didn't have to much time cause, My aunt came visit us for a month and I found a book and I did new how to write this chapter!!! So Sorry guys!!! :"(

Anyway, please like and comment!

Love you guys!


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