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First off before you begin reading let me say THANK YOU! Thank you so much for all of the support, the votes, the comments, the reads, the love. I love writing this, I love seeing that you guys are enjoying it. I love seeing comments. It makes my heart so warm and I can't thank you enough. So thank you for everything guys xx

"Come on, call him," Sam said laughing and putting my phone in my hands. I sighed and dialed Alex's number and shot Sam a glare causing him to laugh a little.

"Shut up," I hissed. The phone rang a couple more times and finally Alex answered.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey, it's Baylor. I just wanted to call and apologize for how I acted earlier. I was wrong and you have free will to see your daughter," I cringed at my own words and I could see that Sam was too.

"I appreciate your apology," he said as I put my phone on speaker mode. Sam snickered and I slapped his arm. "What was that?"

"Sneezing!" I said out of reaction. My eyes grew wide. Sneezing? Sneezing? Come on, Baylor. "Raina was sneezing." I looked at Sam with sheer panic written all over my face and he was trying not to laugh.

"Oh, can I talk to her?" He asked. Sam's eyes grew wide and I smirked.

"Of course," I tried not to laugh myself and Sam shook his head rapidly. "Here she is," I pointed to Sam and he scowled. He perfectly imitated Raina's famous cooing and I was getting a kick out of it.

"Hi, Princess," Alex said nearly making me vomit. "Daddy loves you and I'll see you soon." Sam rolled his eyes and cooed once more and if looks could kill I would be in the morgue. "So, Baylor is it alright if I stop by tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure," I was internally cursing him. "You can stop by for dinner."

"What about your boyfriend?"

"Oh...him? Yeah he's leaving tomorrow I'm sure he won't care," I said. Sam laughed silently again and I was impatiently waiting to get out of this conversation.

"Oh, alright then..." He sounded confused and I ran my hand through my hair. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Bye," I hung up and Sam and I both let out loud laughs. "That imitation was spot on. I feel like you have too much time on your hands."

"I wanted to throw up so bad when he said 'daddy loves you,' I've never wanted to hit someone so much in my entire life," Sam said with a disgusted look on his face.

"What?" I gasped causing him to look at me strange. "I thought you were into that whole daddy thing."

"You're disgusting," he chuckled causing me to burst into laughter.


It was the day that Sam was leaving to head back to Nebraska for a few days. After he spent time at home he was going back to Los Angeles to start up on more music and prepare for yet another tour. I hated to see him go but I knew that we would talk on the phone and I would see him in a few weeks. I was hoping that the time would fly by, especially since I was going to be spending it with Alex and Melody. While Sam was packing his bag I was playing with Raina and tickling her softly. She would let out little giggles here and there and kick her feet causing me to laugh. She caused me so much joy and happiness. I kissed her cheeks and left raspberries on her stomach making me laugh more than it did her.

"Alright, I'm all packed," Sam said sitting down next to me on my bed. I frowned and he kissed Raina's forehead. "I wish you guys could come with me."

"Soon," I said looking up at him. He nodded and we both looked at the floor. My confidence and cockiness was wearing down as the time of his departure grew closer. I wasn't sure what I was going to do once he left, all I could do was hope and pray that everything went as plan. I hated that I had to ask him but I knew that it had to be done. "So what time does your plane leave?"

"Three hours," he said looking at the time on his phone. I didn't have much time left with him.

"Oh," I frowned. We sat in silence for awhile and he played with Raina. I bit my bottom lip and stood up and walked out of my room and into the bathroom. I applied a little makeup, but made sure to go incredibly light on my eye makeup because I knew that I would end up crying it all off before I even left the airport. "Okay, calm down, it's going to be okay," I said to myself. "You're stronger than you think you are, and they're going to get everything they deserve. You'll finally get your happy ever after." I sighed and ruffled up my hair and then quickly fixed it. I spritzed on perfume. "Everything is going to be alright." I opened the door and nearly dropped to the floor from fear when I saw Sam standing there. "Jesus, Sam, you scared the hell out of me!"

"Yeah, it happens," he shrugged. "Who were you talking to in there?"


"Were you talking to yourself in there?" He smirked. I blushed. "Do you even realize how cute you look when you blush? It's even better when I'm the cause of it." My cheeks grew warmer and I looked down to hide my rose red face. "So is Melody coming over to watch Raina then?"

"Yeah, and then Alex. Oh the joy," I rolled my eyes. He kissed my cheek and we waited for Melody to arrive. After an hour or so there was a knock at the door and I looked at Sam. "She's here, let's get it started." He nodded and we both sighed. He jumped up and ran out of the room.

"Hey," Melody said as she walked into my apartment. Her presence angered me but I was willing to subside it for the sake of the plan.

"Hey," I said faintly. Sam and I had planned to pretend to get into an argument to make the breakup seem realistic.

"Get your kid," Sam said walking out to the living room. It was game time.

"My kid?" I looked at him confused.

"Yeah," he rolled his eyes. "Remember? I'm not her father, and I never will be. Why don't you call Alex and have him come over?"

I groaned. "You're seriously getting jealous over something so stupid. You're pathetic, sorry that Alex is her dad and you're not."

"I'm pathetic? Alright," he shook his head. "Well I'm not the one who ditched you right after getting you pregnant did I?"

"Jesus, why do you keep bringing Alex into this? It's like you're jealous of him." I yelled. I could see from the corner of my eye Melody was trying her hardest not to smirk.

"Whatever, fuck this. Let's just go so I can get home," Sam growled.

"Cool," I rolled my eyes. He walked into the bedroom to get his bag, but I knew he was also taking his time to say goodbye to Raina. I took a breather and was silently praising the two of us for sticking to it and for not breaking character.

"Bye, guys," Melody called out as we walked towards the door.

"Could you walk any slower?" I whined gesturing towards Sam.

"Whatever," he hissed. We walked out the door and I slammed it behind us. We stood by the closed door and heard muffled yet excited talking. I grinned at him and he high-fived me. "We make an awesome team."

"That we do, babe. That we do." We walked out to the car laughing like fools about our petty pretend argument. We sang along to the radio in the car and we enjoyed what little time was left together. "You know she was calling Alex while we left," I laughed.

"Without a doubt," he smirked. "That was some legit yelling on your part," he said.

"You weren't so bad yourself," I nodded.

"It ain't nothin' to a king, baby," he said causing me to snicker.

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