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"So what was that all about?" Sam asked as we arrived back at my apartment. I looked at him and I could tell by his eyes that he wanted to ask a million questions.

"I don't know, honestly," I shrugged and kicked off my shoes. I sat down on the couch and ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm going to go give her a bath and put her down," I picked Raina up and walked off to give her a bath. I couldn't figure out why Melody had been smirking. Was it a coincidence that Alex was at the restauarant the same time we were? I tried not to think about it, but it really bothered me. They were glaring at the three of us, and Alex seemed as if he was trying to burn holes in the back of Sam's head. I kissed Raina's forehead before I laid her down in her crib and as I stood there Sam walked in. I rested my head in his chest and he rubbed my back

"What's wrong?" he whispered. He pulled me out of her bedroom and we walked into the living room and took seats on the couch. "You seemed really upset at dinner. What was that all about - oh, wait. That was Alex? Like Alex as know Alex?" his eyes grew wide and I nodded. He pulled me in for a hug. "I'm sorry, babe. I wasn't thinking," he kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes. "That was kind of weird bumping into him, huh?"

"It's just weird you know, the one time we change the restaurant we go to we just coincidentally run into him..." I shook my head.

"Were they staring? I felt like they were but I didn't want to turn around and make awkward eye contact..." I nodded and he frowned. "Hey, don't worry about it. He's nothing to you. All that he did was help you create the most beautiful little girl in the world, but you've done everything else. Don't let him bring you down, alright? You're better than that."

"It just bothers me. I mean I know maybe it shouldn't, but he leaves as soon as I tell him that I'm pregnant, he hasn't tried to contact me since. He hasn't showed any sign of concern for his own child, but he had enough nerve to stare you down while you held her," I rolled my eyes. "If I could I would just pack up and leave, there's nothing left for me here."

"Then why don't you?"

I laughed lightly, "it's not that easy...I wish it was. I just have other stuff I have to concentrate on. All of my money goes to raising my daughter, not moving away. It looks like I'm stuck here," I sighed.

"You could always move to Nebraska," he smirked. I giggled and he wrapped his arm around me. "You know I'm here for you all of the way, right?"

"I know," I smiled.

"...Hey, why don't we go do something tomorrow night? Like a date or something," he suggested. I considered it, but I didn't know who would watch Raina.

"That sounds fun, but I don't have anyone to watch Raina..." I frowned.

"What about Melody? I'm sure she'll do it," he smiled and I nodded and rested my head on the couch. "We'll find something to do, and it will be really fun."

"Okay," I said quietly. His fingers grazed my arm and I shivered from his touch. I heard him chuckle and I nuzzled my head into his chest and he played with my fingers. Everything was perfect and relaxing. I wouldn't have traded any of it for anything. "So where do you want to go tomorrow?" I asked finally breaking the peace.

"Hmm," he said and I looked up at him. "I'll think of something," he smiled and showed all of his perfect white teeth and kissed my forehead. "But I think tomorrow we should all do something-you, Raina and I. I know she's still really young but I'm sure we can find something to do. Plus it'll be a switch up for you because I know that you don't get to go out much."

"I'm so boring," I laughed and frowned. He shook his head. "Oh please, I don't do anything. You get to see the world and I'm couped up in this little apartment constantly going back and forth between work, school and the grocery store."

"Yeah but you're actually responsible, and instead of going out and partying every weekend you take care of your daughter and give her all your love and undivided attention like a good mother should." He ran his fingers through my hair and I sat up to face him. He intertwined our fingers together and I sighed and looked down at the carpet. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just worried," I shrugged.

"Worried about what?"

"You won't be able to hide this from your friends forever, and when you finally have to tell them about me God knows what they'll think. Not to mention your fans, and your family..." I stood up and opened the curtain and looked down at the city. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he rested his chin on my shoulder. I continued taking in the view-the lights, the vehicles, and the groups of people walking down the cemented sidewalks.

"You don't have to worry about anything," he whispered up against my ear. "They'll all love you, just because you have a baby doesn't mean anything." He turned me around to face him and I leaned up against the wall. "Besides, they kind of know that there's a girl in my life..." He scratched his head and gave me a nervous smile. My eyes grew wide.

"You're kidding..." I was trying not to smile but his nervous vibe made a grin sweep across my face. "What all do they know?"

"Well they know that there's definitely a girl considering I was always on my phone and smiling every time we would text..." he shrugged. "So I finally told them where I was going and I told them your name." I laughed and he led me back to the couch. He sat me on his lap and I smiled softly when his lips grazed against my collar bone. I sighed in content when he moved up to my jawline and I ran my fingers through his soft brown hair. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He murmured against my skin causing me to blush. He looked up at me and his eyes met mine. His lips came in contact with mine and I smiled as he held me tightly. He tugged at the hem of my shirt and I smirked.

"Tomorrow," I whispered in his ear. I pulled away and faced him and he had a smug smile on his face. I kissed his cheek and I stood up and went to walk down the hallway but he grabbed me by my waist. I shrieked a little.

"Tease," he muttered against my skin. I giggled and escaped his grip and walked into the bathroom. I looked at my appearance in the mirror-long brown hair, brown eyes, pink lipstick and light makeup. I tried to be content with myself but I still wasn't sure what Sam saw in me. I'm nothing special. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and started to wipe off what little makeup I had on. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, brushed out my hair and cleaned up the mess I had made. When I walked out of the hallway strong hands grabbed me and pulled me to my bedroom. I was thrown gently on my bed and he hovered over top of me. He ran his hands along my sides and I tried not to giggle from his soft touch caressing my skin.

"Tomorrow," I whined and I felt him grin through the pitch black darkness.

"That doesn't mean I can't kiss you," he said and kissed along my forehead, my cheeks and my nose. I felt a nervous feeling growing in the pit of my stomach. No one had ever made me feel like this.

"Yeah it does," I smiled and pushed him off of me. He groaned and I rolled ontop of him. "I'm looking kind of rough right now, so no making out tonight." I poked his nose and he placed an arm behind his head and the other around me. He quickly pecked my lips and I punched his shoulder lightly. "No," I smiled.

"You know that I like you without makeup, right? I think you look perfect either way..." I felt my heart skip a few beats and my stomach churned. He kissed my lips once more and I laid down next to him. We laid there quietly and he rubbed my side soflty. I would squirm here and there and I could feel his smile radiating throughout the room. A soft fuss came from the next room over and we waited a couple seconds and it gradually got louder. I went to go stand up but he stopped me. "I'll get her," he said softly. I nodded and got up anyway to change into night clothes. As I changed into an oversized shirt I saw my phone light up. Who would be texting me this late? I looked at my phone and didn't recognize the number.

Call me. We need to talk.

I stared at the number and was trying to rack my brain of who it could be. When it finally hit me I wanted to get sick.

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