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I parked in the parking lot at the grocery store. I unhooked the carseat and Sam offered to carry it until we got a shopping cart. Raina never took her eyes off of him, and he would occasionally smile down at him. We walked through the store and he pushed the cart with her in it. He played with her fingers or would carry on a conversation with her, and she would flash big grins in return. I filled the cart with different things that I needed, and stopped when we reached the food section. "Um...I don't really know wha to buy," I admitted after I grabbed all of the neccessary food items for her.

"What do you mean?" he smiled.

"Well it's just always me, and I don't really eat that much so I don't but a lot of food..." I laughed nervously.

"I don't care what you get," he chuckled.

"Wow, thanks you're such a help," I giggled. I started throwing random things in the cart and I kept getting the feeling that someone was staring at me. I kept checking over my shoulder but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I felt it more as we continued to shop and I was starting to grow uncomfortable. "Do you feel like someone's staring?" I asked Sam as I checked to make sure no one was looking at us.

"Not really," he shrugged. "Is something wrong?"

"Maybe I'm just a little paranoid or something," I said trying to brush the matter off. We finally checked out and walked back to my car. "I still have that feeling..." I mumbled quietly to myself. I got in the car and drove back home and as soon as I left the store the feeling went away. I sighed and pulled up to my apartment and unloaded the few bags of groceries while Sam carried her inside. I prepared her a bottle and he fed her and then we both put her down for another nap. I knew the routine like I knew the back of my hand, and I always tried to be on time when it came to all of it. I made up a few more bottles for later and sat down on the couch next to Sam. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked him. I didn't really have a way of entertaining him. My life revolved around my daughter, and if I wasn't with her I was at work or working on college. I really only had Melody as a friend and I didn't get to see her much. "Sorry, I'm not really that fun..."

"No it's okay. You have your priorities, and I like that about you," he smiled at me and I blushed faintly. "We could just lay here and talk?"

"We do that all of the time though," I smiled.

"Yeah, but now we're actually here together. And I can see you, and admire how beautiful your smile is in person," he continued to charm me making my cheeks flush a little brighter each time. "I think it's really cute when you blush, too..."

"What are you trying to do to me?" I ran my hand through my hair and tried not to make eye contact with him. Ever since everyone left me I never really felt like I was good enough, but here Sam was complimenting me and making me feel like I'm worth something. He smiled and scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he ran his fingers through my hair. I sighed contently.

"So what was your reaction when I told you I was coming to see you?" He asked softly as he gently untangled a few knots in my hair.

"I was shocked, it was kind of out of nowhere," I smiled. "But I was also really excited that I was going to finally see you again..." I looked up at him and his eyes sparkled. I felt a chill rush through my body. "I can't get over how gentle you are with Raina, honestly. You're kind of the only male figure in her life now, and she's only seen you two days of her life. No one ever comes around because they're embarrassed by me."

"I can't understand why anyone would ever be embarrassed by you. You're beyond amazing," his fingers grazed my arm and I shivered. "Don't ever worry about me being embarrassed by you, okay?"

Committed ✦ WilkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora