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"That plan is genius," Sam grinned widely as I told him my idea. I smiled and he kissed my lips. "We're dangerous together."

"True," I nodded. "Hey, since you're going home tomorrow I want to make our last day together special. Are you okay with watching Raina while I pick up a few things at the store?"

"Of course," he said. I smiled and lightly kissed his cheek and stood up. "We'll probably just invite a bunch of people over, get heavily wasted and party like there's no tomorrow," he shrugged. I glared at him causing him to laugh. "I'm kidding. We'll just chill and talk about how pretty her mommy is." I felt my cheeks flush and he hugged me and kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said. I grabbed my keys and walked out of the apartment and to my car. I wanted to make dinner for Sam and I since we had been living off of restaurants and pizza since he had arrived. While Sam and I were trying to devise a plan about what our pretend breakup should be, I thought of a flawless idea. I already planned on dropping Sam off at the airport, and I knew I was going to be upset. I decided that I would take advantage of those tears. I'll call Alex and apologize for my behavior and tell him that he has free will to see Raina. Then I will take Sam to the airport, and when I come home I will already be upset, but I'll tell them I'm upset because Sam and I broke up. I'll tell them that he got jealous that Alex was going to be in Raina's life and accused me of still having feelings.

I walked into the grocery store and picked up a few things that I would need. I knew I wasn't any type of chef, but I was able to cook quite a few things. I decided that I couldn't go wrong with spaghetti. I used the self-checkout and for once escaped without any complications. As I was putting the grocery bags in the car I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket against the thin material of my jeans. I reached into my pocket and saw that Sam had sent a picture. I looked at it and it was of him and Raina. They looked adorable and it made my heart warm. Raina was wearing a bright grin and had ahold of Sam's finger like she always did, and Sam was kissing her cheek. I made the photo my phone wallpaper and quickly drive home. I took the few bags of groceries and headed up the stairs to my apartment, where I found both of them asleep on the couch. My lips immediately folded into a grin and I sat the groceries in the kitchen and looked at my two favorite people. Raina was curled up on his chest and they were both lightly snoring. I decided to let them be and walked into the kitchen to get the food started.

While I was preparing a stainless steel pot filled with water for boil, I heard a soft cry. It was Raina fussing and I carefully watched to see how Sam would react. His eyes opened and he softly rubbed her back and tried to calm her. "Shh, baby-girl, it's alright," he said calmly but still sleepily. At the sound of his voice she stopped fussing and together they both drifted off into their dreams once more. I felt like I actually had a family for once. Growing up it was just my mom, stepdad and I and it was awful. My mom kept me from my biological father and tried to force her husband on me. Ironically he's the one who convinced my mom to turn her back on me and throw me out once I told her I was pregnant. She's seen Raina one time and hasn't tried to call since. With Sam around it felt natural and right, and it made me incredibly happy to think that my daughter might just get to grow up how I had dreamed when I was younger.

I started to hum a wonderful and catchy song I had heard on the radio while I patiently began to wait for the water to boil.

"Hey, mama, what'cha making?" Sam's voice startled me and raised goosebumps on my skin when he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You scared me," I said turning around with my hand on my chest. He grinned and kissed my forehead. "Did you enjoy your nap?" I asked as I dropped the angel hair pasta into the boiling water. He nodded and grinned. "You guys are so cute."

"It's all her," he said gesturing into the living room where Raina was still asleep in a border of blankets. "Spaghetti? God that has sounded so good for nearly forever," he said looking at the food that was still being cooked. "I feel like it's one of those foods that you just can't go wrong with."

"That's what I was thinking," I giggled softly. "I loved that picture you sent me by the way. She really loves you," I sighed and slowly stirred the pasta so it wouldn't stick to the bottom of the pan.

"Is something wrong?" He asked placing his hand on my back. I frowned and he pulled me in for a hug. I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms snugly around me.

"I'm just worried that it will backfire. I don't trust either of them, and Alex is notorious for breaking me down. I don't want him doing that to my little girl..." I felt my lower lip tremble and he kissed my forehead.

"He's not going to hurt you, I promise."

"But you're leaving! You're not going to be here to protect us," I went back to stirring the pasta but he placed his hand on my hips and spun me around to face him.

"I'll only be a phone call away, and I swear to God the second you call me and say you need me I will be on the next flight here. I'm going to protect you and Raina because I love both of you. Alex and Melody aren't going to do anything, they're just going to finally get what they deserve. Don't stress about it, baby."

"Okay," I said quietly. He gave me a warm smile and I finished up the food. He grabbed my favorite dishes that used to belong to my grandmother and placed them at the table in the dining room. I had only used the dining room table once after I moved in and that's when Melody came over for dinner. Sam and I sat at the table and engaged in a long conversation just like we always did. He made me laugh multiple times and the food was delicious. I enjoyed every second I spent with him, and the sound of his laugh made me smile with satisfaction.

"Oh hey, she's awake," Sam said pointing to Raina who was wide awake on the couch. "Why don't we clean up and watch a movie?" He suggested.

"That sounds fun," I agreed. We placed the dishes in the dishwasher and curled up on the couch together with Raina in his lap. We couldn't find any interesting movies, and we eventually ended up a educational children's television show that taught the letters of the alphabet.

"We are seriously watching a show that tells us different words that start with the letter T," Sam said staring at the TV in disbelief. I nodded.

"Welcome to my life," I sighed. "This is a rerun, next week we learn all about the letter U." Sam started laughing as soon as I said it. "What?"

"You're so weird," he chuckled and placed his arm around me. "I could get used to this."

"Children's television shows?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No," he looked at me. "This," he gestured to the three of us. "We're like a little family."

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