Whisked Away

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Upon my return to Gridania, I wanted to speak with the commander if he knows where to find this Buscarron person.

"Ah, if it isn't our intrepid ambassador. How fare your diplomatic with the sylphs?" Does he really need to call me that? All I'm doing is talking, which I don't find that to be that hard.

"It's progressing nicely, but unfortunately the elder is missing."

"Their elder's gone missing. If he were to fall in the hands of the tampered one, we'd have a crisis on our hands. You can rest assure my serpents will be on lookout day and night."

"That would be most helpful." Geez, state the obvious why don't ya. Though it would turn for the worse if the elder does fall to a touched one, yet I doubt that would happen. After all, these sylphs know well enough to stay away from touched ones. So what else could drive the elder away?

"I would ask, however to deliver a message to Giah Molkoh at Bentbranch Meadows. We need the Wood Wailers in the search efforts."

"Of course." Once again I teleport to central shroud at the Bentbranch aethertye. I approached a few people, asking if they know a Gish. Thankfully they showed me where to go and I walked up towards her.

"Pardon me,"


"I have a message from Commander Heuloix,"

"From Commander Heuloix?" She took the message and read it. "The sylphs elder is missing. That can't be good. Worry not—the wood waliers have eyes under every leaf. If the elder is anywhere in these forests, we shall find him."

"Thank you."

Once again my linkshell rings. "This better be important," I frowned.

"Come over to the house, we have something for you." Shira said, ignoring my comment. "And I'm not taking no for an answer," then the call ends.

I sighed. I casted teleport to our fc, in hopes to finish quickly to find the elder sylph soon. As soon as I walked into the house, it was dark. "This better be important, I have a mild crisis going on."

I was suddenly blinded quickly as the lights turned back on and only heard "surprise", which completely caught me off guard. "What?"

Shira tugged me closer as my eyes adjusted to the light. "A certain someone told us about a nameday, but we didn't get the actual date,"

"Though we all have been busy with tasks," Parzi chimed.

"We had to step away and celebrate a nameday, your nameday." Gale spoke.

A few days late, I wanted to say, but not a sound escaped. There was a lump in my throat preventing me from getting any sound out. Of course he would tell them, but goes off and vanishes only to be controlled. Thoughts swirled in my head, making more of a mess and overwhelming emotions overcome me. Without hesitation, I bean to cry. I wouldn't call them "joyous" or "sadness", more like over active emotions of the highest magnitude.

This freaked everyone, seeing how their friend is 'crying' but somehow Shira smiled, knowing something deeper was behind the tears. "Hey, come now. No need to hide those joyful tears. Come, let's us celebrate, together."

I wiped away the tears, hiding the fact that I painted on my gentle smile as per usual, burying the emotions deeper and deeper within my heart.

Well, things seemed to have been planned, a bit too well. There were presents, balloons and confetti everywhere. Shira pulled me towards the table, where a feast seems to have been prepared. "Whoa, who made this?"

"I did. With a little help from Shira, I managed to make everything." Sun said. She turned to face Leo, who once again was caught with a hand in a cookie jar.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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