Path of the Warrior

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By the morrow, I had finished my daily stretches and I dressed in my black tee and jacket and spring shorts. Brushing out the bed head from my long hair, touched with golden highlights. I put a single glove on my left hand, since I couldn't find the match after I bought them. Though, I had to admit, I liked this look better. I had my short boots on already as I grabbed my weathered axe near the door. "Well, looks like I'm going to need a new one soon."

I chuckled at the thought as I left the room. Once the door closed behind me, the innkeeper smiled and gestures me to speak with him. "Did ye sleep well?"

"Yes, well, as well as I could," I told him. "I was just too excited to sleep last night. I finally get to start my journey I've dreamt as a kid." I could barely contain my excitement nearly jumping up and down.

The innkeeper just laughed. "Well now, ye best get started. Baderon can tell ye where to start."

I smiled and walked over towards him, who greets with me with a smile. "I could hear ye all th' way o'er here, lass. Bet ye can't wait t' start seeking 'ventures, right?"

"Yea. Could barely sleep a wink to be honest." I said, a bit embarrassed. Baderon nods as he handed me a slip of things to look over.

"Ye gonna need to know ye way 'round here. First take the Crow's lift to get to the plaza, and attune to the aetheryte, in case ye ever run into trouble." He pointed to the Roedagyn yellow jacket, who waved. "I loot it that ye know yer way round Limsa 'n how th' markets work."

I nod to him. "I've been here plenty of times with my father."

"'n I also see yer experienced wit' that axe."

"Aye. Been working with the marauders' guild for two and a half summers."

"I don't mean t' pry but, how ole are ye?"


Baderon nods. "That shall explain it. Yer like to find yersulf runnin' odd errands in the beginning, but once ye build reputation as a woman folks can trust, the jobs'll get 'arder an' the rewards more generous. An' that, my girl, is 'ow ye go to becomin' a legend among 'venturers. Now, best be runnin' off."

I smiled as I approached the yellow jacket. She allowed me access to the Crow's Lift as I descended down to the main plaza. There was so much more life now that the morning sun was high in the sky. Many people of various races were running around the plaza. Some sat on the ledge, enjoying the ocean breeze, others in groups of four planing their next adventure. I stepped up to the massive aetheryte and let my aether flow through the crystal. I felt as one with the crystal knowing I can return here whenever I need to. All I had to do was think of here and let my aether flow.

I stretched my arms up, ready to begin my journey to become stronger and visit my father's homeland. But first, a little visit.

I made my way back up to the upper desks and headed towards the marauders' guild. There I was greeted by a young miqo'te male. "Another one? Seriously how many adventurers are there?" He spoke.

I raised a brow, not sure if I should be insulted or offended. He approached me and started to spit nasty words of how weak and fragile I was and how a woman like me shouldn't be an axe wielder. Now, I was offended. I gave him a swift kick to the stomach and my heel echoed the room. "Don't bite off more than you can chew. Also, never underestimate a woman, we are much more fierce than you think."

The axemaster bursts into a loud laugh. "I thought I heard a familiar voice."

I smiled as he came up. "Wyrnzoen, it's been awhile."

"Aye, that it has, lass. How've ya been?"

"Training has been great. I can carry my father's axe now, but I still can't swing it."

Warrior in Training |FFXIV|Where stories live. Discover now