Truth Uncovered

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I rushed out the gate of the Golden Bazzaar and saw Sister Ourcen on the ground. I'm not sure how, but animated corpses where nearly about to make her one of them. "Back away from the Sister!" I shouted loud enough to catch their attention. One with a lance in hand charged at me, this time I was ready to dodge. I swung the axe, cutting off the head and faced the mage, who remained at a distance. Magic wasn't exactly easy to dodge if you don't know what spell it's casting.

Once the mage fell, I rushed to the Sister's aid. "Sister, are you alright?"

She slowly rose to her feet and nods. "Yes. I'm sorry for the trouble, seems I'm in your debt. I found the ring the boy's mother left him. I shall return it to him."

"What of your injuries?" I questioned.

"This is nothing. I can manage from here. Again thank you."

I watched her leave, I didn't want her to go there on her own, not with those injuries. But I didn't wanted to overbearing. So instead I returned to the camp and inform Isembard.

"What! Sister Ourcen was attacked outside the Golden Bazzaar? I shall arrange an inn room right away." He spoke rushing off. Then he stopped, and turned. "Why don't you come as well, Alex. I'm sure you're quite exhausted."

"Oh...well, thank you but-"

"No buts. Now come along, we wouldn't want you to disappear neither."

I chuckled. "I suppose not." I followed him shortly after and got settled in a room. I laid on the bed but couldn't fall asleep. My mind kept wondering on the Amalj'aa, the kidnapping and their god Ifrit. I jolted up, now knowing there is no way Sister Ourcen was behind any of this. She risked her life for a memento of an orphaned boy. That is no action of dastardly deeds Thancred seems to believe. Or perhaps he just dislikes the man named Marques.

The morning sun glared through the window as I squinted in the bright room. "Pulled an all nighter again...damnit." I mumbled as I closed the journal I had been writing in. I record most of my adventures or feelings of the day within it. It's not private moment, but if I really had any, they'll go somewhere else. I walked out of the room with a tidied up bed.

Isembard was the first to greet me. "Sleep well, Alex?"

"Yes thank you." I lied. "How is Sister Ourcen?"

"It seems her injuries were worse than she initially thought. But she's expected to make a full recovery. Oh and Thancred came by but a moment ago to meet him at the Amalj'aa encampment to the southeast. I pray the two of you discover some evidence to these disappearances."

"I hope so myself." I said leaving the camp for the southeast where I had spotted Thancred under a tree.

He turned and waved. "Alex, I take it you slept alright?"

I shrugged. "If you call staying up sleeping, then yes." I said sarcastically.

"You are definitely your father's daughter," he said with a sly smile.

I had my hands at my hips and puffed cheeks. "What's that supposed to mean?" But he ignored that as he pointed at the encampment and place a finger to his lips. "Sorry."

"Tis nothing. I had heard about Sister Ourcen. Her wounds were serious, had you not gotten to her in time. It would seem my judgement on her was misplaced," he spoke, seemingly lost in thought.

Then it suddenly occurred to me. "What if it is someone in the church or possibly pretending to be that's doing all this?" I spoke aloud.

Thancred looked at me and his smiled lit up. "That's brilliant! Now on to why we are at this encampment, though false were my accusations on Sister Ourcen wrong, I had spotted a group of Amalj'aa and tracked them to this here encampment."

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