Founding Eques Luces

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Talk about dead silence. It was hard trying to get some of my friends to stop talking, but but it's impossible to make them speak. I've had an idea on what to name the company, but I didn't want to have the responsibility of founding it myself, let alone lead it. I may seem like a leader, but in truth, I'm more of a follower. I hate admitting it though. I suddenly heard a ring in my ear as I turned the linkshell on.

"Alex, it's Minfilia. Are you well?"

"Yes. The ceremony had just finished a moment ago, if that's what you're going to ask," chuckling.

"Ah, yes. Well, good. You do remember our guests. As delighted we are to have them, it would be best not to keep them in suspense. In short: hurry back."

"Sounds like someone needs to return to the waking sands," Shira nudged me.

"Pray return to the waking sands," everyone chimes.

"That was uncalled for," I spoke. Though I couldn't help but chuckle since there was no close aethertye in Vesper Bay. I teleported to Horizon and did that dread walk or well jog back to Vesper Bay. As soon as I walked into the building, Tataru looked worried.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"J-just a bit tired. That long walk sure takes your breath away." I said.

"I have a better trick. Why don't you use the ferry from Limsa to travel here? It is a lot faster."

I blinked a few times, as I smiled. "You are a genius!" I couldn't help but hug her for it. She was shocked but welcomed it anyway. I proceeded down the stairs and into the solar. Minfilia greet with her welcoming smile as I approached.

"Were the grand company leaders' words as illuminating as you hoped?"

"Well, they were inspiring," I began. "But, it seemed that each company was plagued with more problems than the calamity."

"Aye, each nation is beset with problems. As you can see why your services are in high demand."

"I suppose." Even through there were plenty other adventurers out there. Then again, none had bested Ifrit.

"But you must be tired from your journey, why don't you rest awhile and give the grand company officers your answer then."

I nod and left the room as the three officers gave me their salute.

Outside the waking sands, everyone waited on me. "So, everyone came up with a name but you." Shira said.

"Well, it seems kinda silly, to be honest." I said, shying away.

"Oh no you don't. You aren't getting out of this one. Tell us then we can decided." Parzi spoke, grabbing my arm.

I sighed. "The name I thought of was Eques Luces. It also means knights of light."

Everyone froze and stared at me. Dead silent stare, which really made me embarrassed. "Wha-what? Was it that bad?"

Gale and Rio both placed their hand on each of my shoulders and said, "That beats all the other names everyone came up with."

"It's perfect!" Tsuyako said.

I watched as everyone cheered for it and I smiled. "Alright then, Eques Luces."

"Does that mean no Potatoes R' Us?"

"Leo, this isn't just about you, and not all of us are popotos." Shira said, narrowing her eyes.

"Alright, I've already chosen a spot," Parzi said. He teleported as the spell linked us all and we were in Gridania. "Follow me,"

Without question, everyone follows, Tsuyako was ahead of him, humming playfully. Immediately he and Tsuyako went to work on establishing the free company under the order of the Twin Adder, and to be built in the Lavender Beds. Parzi then hands me a parchment, smiling. "Sign this and our free company will be official."

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