Jewel of the Desert

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I hadn't realized I fell asleep until Shira was shaking me. "Time to wake up, we are here."

I rubbed my eyes, not realizing this task was so exhausting. I got up and followed Shira. "So which one of you is giving the grand tour?"

"Me!" Both said. Gale and Shira looked at each other and laughed. "I can do the Step of Nald and you can do the Steps of Thal, sound good?" Shira suggested.

"Sure, works for me."

Shira grabbed my arm and hurried out. "Now unlike Gridania, we need to take the lift to the Ruby road exchange,"

I couldn't hold in my small chuckle as Shira just now realized. "I'm sorry, please go on."

Shira cleared her throat. "We will pass the Adventurers' guild but of course we need to go to the plaza first."

Upon taking the lift, we did indeed pass the guild hall. "Oh and this is the grand hall of the Immortal Flames, this nation's grand company, it's quite convenient being next to the plaza and all." She watched as everyone attuned to the aethertye for easier traveling. "Oh and across from the grand company is the Pugilist's guild, where I first trained."

"Next we will pass one entrance to the colosseum on our way to the thaumaturge's guild. There is also an gate that will lead to western thanalan, but we can worry about that later." Shira said, pulling me along once again.

"Alright, slow down," I said. "I know you're excited to be back, but I'd like to keep my arm." I joked. We were at the thaumaturge's guild and at the entrance was the statue of Nald'thal.

Shira released my arm and laughed. "Guess I forgot my own strength," she turned to Gale and said, "Leadership passed on to Gale, lead on to the steps of Thal!"

"We can pass through the colosseum entrance and start at the gladiator's guild," he said. There's that glitching magic again, I know I wasn't seeing things this time. But I didn't want to question him about it, unless he wanted to talk about it.

"Lead on my friend," I said brushing the thoughts away.

I watched as Shira and Rio ran off after Leo, who once again ran after another adventurer, who had one of those famous wind-up minions that follows you. "Leo! Stop chasing that poor woman!" I heard Shira shout.

Gale and I shrugged as we headed inside the building. Gale spoke of how when he first joined the gladiators' guild and the struggle of handling the sword at first. He was mocked and ridiculed for not moving back to Limsa to be with the other 'pirates' or something like that. "Wow, must have been hard,"

"It wasn't that bad. I mean sure, it hurt but once I made a name for myself and handled myself in the field, that's when I gain respect."

"Glad to heat that. Um, I don't know how to ask you this but..."

He turned as we stopped walking. "What is it?"

"I've notice a bit of a glitch coming from you..."

"Glitch? Oh you are referring to the glamour. It can change on any piece of attire you have on to something else. I was wearing heavy armor during explorations but now wearing casual attire, does that make sense?"

"Glamour? Oh! Those prims that give the change to the item in an instance,"

"That's the one. So, it might just be that the glam is broke somehow. But nothing I can't fix later on. Come, let's head over to the tradecrafts."

Gale explained the three trades of hand, alchemist, weaver and goldsmith. Even told information on the miners guild which are a huge help for the goldsmiths. "Now on to the Sapphire Exchange, or better known for the markets."

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