After Two (& a Half) Years

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I found myself in an unfamiliar place. It was endless nothingness, yet I could sense warmth somewhere close. I began walking forward towards the warmth.

Hear. Feel.

The same voice spoke. I couldn't understand it. I heard it and felt as though it was next to me. A small orb of light was in front of me as I continued to walk.

Suddenly a black figure came and the voice once again spoke.

Hear. Feel. Think.

I felt a new presence next to me as I conjure an axe made of light. A silhouette stood beside me, nodding their head as the black figure charged at me.

"...Oi! Y'all alright, lass?"

Dazed, I opened my eyes and spotted the man who called. "Huh?"

A man stood in front of me, looking concerned. "You were moanin' in your sleep an' sweating buckets besides. Rollin' of the ship got your stomach churnin', has it?"

I smiled and shook my head. Though not exactly sure what that dream was. Did I really see a silhouette of my father?

The man smiled as he leaned on a wall. "Hmmm, now that I look at you, it'll be the aether, then, I reckon." He crossed his arms. "Some are more sensitive to this stuff then others, see, an' we ain't too far from Vyibrand now, which is chock-full of aetherytes."

I smiled. "I suppose so."

"No need to fret though, you'll get used to soon."

I did feel a mass amount of aether, but I don't think that was cause of my restless sleep. I adjusted my sitting position as I stared up at the man. I watched him fumble due to the ship rocking. I turned my head, trying to contain my laugh.

He regained his composure and spoke, "Might as well have been bloomin' seasickness... Ship's leapin' around like a demented chocobo today." He turned to me once more. "Limsa Lominsa's still a fair way off, how's about you keep me company up on deck?"

I smiled at him. "Sure. Some fresh air wouldn't hurt."

He smiled and looked over at the other two, whom I forgotten were there. "Them young'uns don't care much for conversation, see." He shook his head and looked towards me again. "Anyroad, Brennan's the name an' peddlin's me trade."

I watched him walk off, without once asking for my name, I stood to follow him shortly after.

The sea breeze blew my long raven hair, pulling it out of my face. This was much more refreshing compared to below deck. Brennan stretches his arm high above his head.

"Now then, lass, judgin' by your unusual garments, I'd say your one of hem new adventurers. Am I warm?"

"Yea, I am."

Brennan grinned ear to ear. "I knew it. Goin' wherever the wind blows, seekin' fortune an' glory—now that's what I call livin'."

I really wouldn't call it living, unless you want to learn more about yourself and your parents. The wind blew again, almost feeling like an embrace from both my parents. A faint smile rose to my face as Brennan spoke.

"What was it the first attracted you to it?"

That's a good question. "Well," I started, walking to the railing. "I heard stories from my father about his adventures with my mother. I've always wanted to see their homeland and the rest of the world. At first, I had to learn to fight, to keep myself alive, then next thing I knew, my father left on another of his quests, but was unable to return alive."

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