My Darling,My Dear

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Hey everyone! guess what! im Hungry!


Emily's P.O.V

It's been 4 months now...I haven't spoke to kellin since he told me he was having a kid. Me and the girls are back at school along with the Pierce the veil guys who thought it would be fun to learn new things,and of course kellin and the guys are here too. I still had spirit class with kellin and's not easy pretending like I don't care for him anymore but I do I still love him.

"Hey Em...You okie?"

"Huh? oh yeah,I just don't feel myself...I havent eaten anything you know" I half smiled.

"Emily you gotta eat look after class go with me okie,I could use a drink" Vic laughed.

My time on the ptv bus was fun I've grown close to all of them, apparently they have blood whores for when they go touring.

"Hey,Goodmorning guys"

Kellin walked into our small class room,it was new and it had trees and like spiritual stuff,I felt calm in here.

"Morning dude" Vic smiled.

I just smiled....Kellin and i haven't talk, I mean at all.

"Okie so you guys basically know all that I know except for one thing" Kellin spoke.

We have learned alot, we learned to make things grow faster than normal,we could be in peoples dreams,read Aura of course, we learned about something called shadow kissed which basically we can bring someone to life but there would be a prize to pay.

"What is it?" I said not making eye contact.

Yeah I know I can't believe I spoke first too.

"Stripping people from their powers" Kellin answered.

I could tell he was surprised I said something.

"Wait? what" Vic said

"Spirit users have the power to take the power prima others away.."

"Have you done it before?" I asked

"Yes to Katherine..." A shot of pain blasted threw his face then it was gone.

"Kathrine?" I trialed off.

She's the one who tortured me...Who causes me unbearable pain.

"it can be painful if the victim resists,and it can leave us very weak" Kellin said.

"Can we give their power back?" Vic said.

Kellin nodded "Its possible..."

I think spirit users are pretty bad ass then if we can take power away.

"So when do we learn?" Vic spoke.

"You wont,it'll come naturally" Kellin smiled.

Great so we are stuck here til the end of the period im guessing.

I layed my head down on my desk while Vic and kellin went to the little flower pots and made flowers appear. Roses,Daisys,sunflowers, so many flowers in so many different colors.

I miss talking to kellin...His Baby is do soon....He might even marry this Karen girl then ill lose him forever, but ill have my friends beside me...they'll help me threw it.


Damon's P.O.V (Emilys dad)

"Damon,we just got news that your daughter is a spirit user...did you know this already?"

" Master"

"Very well may visit your wife"

I nodded and walked out the room. I get to see my wife again,they only allow me to see her a couple months at a time.

I walk in to a secured room with double locked doors.

"Elizabeth?" I called for my wife.

"D..Damon" I heard her weak voice call out.

I walked into the bedroom and saw my Elizabeth laying in bed sick.

"My love, your sick" I rushed to her side and hold of her hand.

"Even with your red eyes,and pale skin your still the man I fell in love with" She smiled lightly placing her lips to mine.

I felt the warmth of her lips spread through out my body, I could almost taste her blood.

I pulled away and brushed her hair back.

"I know love im Hungry too" She smiled lightly.

"Ill be back with some blood" I reached down and kissed her cheek and headed out the door.

The strogi here didn't feed my wife,which angered me. So I did when I could. She's a Mori a Earth user I used to be a fire user until they made us crash and took us away leaving my poor daughter alone in the back. Of course I knew my babygirl is a spirit user,I knew the moment she was born, but what they don't know is that one day she'll be more than just a spirit user.






Let Love Bleed Red(Kellin Quinn Love story)Where stories live. Discover now