Dont Make Me...

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Hey everyone, have you ever had that moment in life where you feel like nobody cares about you like your just a waste of space.... that's how im feeling -.-


Emily's P.O.V

Saturday and Sunday were good off days I got away with not feeding from those "blood whores" some students here call them. I didnt know that when vampires feed on humans they get some sort of high feeling. That's why the ones here stay here they have gotten addicted to our bites. I've made some new friends here I met a Mori named Chelsea she has the power of fire I also met her twin brother Chris except he has the power of water. I met other people to they asked me how I use my power, I was the talk of the school. im also sad to say that I might of met an enemy as well her name is Katherine, Chelsea told me she was Kellin's ex girlfriend. And that she didn't like me because people were spreading rumors that im his new girl. Which isn't true. Professor Hunter has grown a liking to me she seems really nice. Sally seems to really love it here, she hangs out with all the guardians sometimes while im at the school library or church. Yes there's a church at our school talk about weird.


*Ring Ring*

"Hello" I said sleeply

"School starts in an hour miss Slaughter" the person on the phone said.

"thank you" I said then hung up the phone.

They weren't kidding about personal alarms here. I lazily got out of bed and headed for my shower I washed my hair and body once I was done I blow dried my hair and straightened it. I decided to were a sleeping with sirens t-shirt and black skinnies and red toms I matched perfectly since I had died my hair on Saturday half black and half red. I grabbed my bag and phone once I finished my make up.

*knock knock*

"Emily bitch you better not be asleep" I heard Sally yell letting herself in.

"Im not gees fucker" I laughed.

We laughed as we headed out of my room and into the elevator. There was nothing but guys in there just staring at me and Sally.

"Can I help you?" Sally said.

And they immediately faced forwards, I tried hard not to laugh. As the elevator stopped I said bye to Sally as we headed our seperate ways.

"Emily my girl, so what's your first class?" Chelsea said from behind me.

I handed her my schedule.

"Great! you have class with me, lets go!" she said dragging me behind her.


-"P.E" Class-

"Goodmorning ladies and gentleman for those of you who don't know who I am my name is Lucas Marvel" Our teacher said bowing.

"I believe we have a new student please come up here" He gestured to me.

I walked up to him trying hard not to blush, I hate being the center of attention.

"Please say your name, your age and power" He said

"M...My name is Emily Slaughter.... im 19 years old and... power is...." I stood there quiet

"Go on Miss slaughter" The teacher urged me on.

"Im a spirit user..." I said quickly and took my spot next to Chelsea.

Once I stood next to Chelsea the other students gaspped and started to mumble things about me.

"A spirit user? quite fasanating I haven't had a spirit user here since Kellin... Do you know him?" The teacher asked.

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