Pick Up The Phone

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Hey everyone :3 how you doin'? Anyways here's the new chapter. Enjoy!


Emily's P.O.V

Since I've been living with kellin and the guys in the sleeping with sirens house its been weird. No one will let me go anywhere alone. Of course id always be with Sally. But one of the guys would have to come with us or they all will come. They ask me question like do you still see gold around kellin. I never Answer because I don't want them to be like "awe you think he's an angel" then laugh at me. But other than that its been good. I find it still amazing that im living with my favorite band with my best friend. Its a dream come true.

"Emily!!!!! Breakfast!!!!" Sally called out.

I jumped out of bed and made it. Then I jumped in the shower and changed into some black short with a sleeping with sirens tank top and my black toms. And walked downstairs.

"Finally! I had to fight off Jesse and Jack they were still hungry they were about to eat your food" Sally laughed.

"They can have it im not that hungry" I said as I grabbed an apple

"You gotta eat something your so skinny people would think we're starving you" Gabe said

"Hello!!" I said as I waved the apple in his face and bit into it.

"Honies im home!!!" Justin said as he walked in.

"Hey" we all said.

"Guess what!?" Justin said in excitement.

"What?" I said as I took another bite out of my apple.

"You and Sally are starting school in 2 weeks" he jumped up and down and gave all the guys high fives.

"School... where at?" Sally asked

"At Vladimir academy" Justin answered.

"Sounds mysterious!" I said in the best Dracula accent.

Everyone just laughed at me.

"Hey... where's kellin?" I asked.

"Oh Buffalo I forgot to wake him up, can you do me a favor and wake him up for me please Emily?" Gabe said.

"Sure thing babe" I laughed

It was sorta our thing to call each other this we'd call each other babe and hun. They even gave me a nickname Em. I walked up stairs and knocked on kellins door but he didn't

Respond so I opened the door and walked in.

"Kellin?" I looked around but he wasn't in here.

"Kellin?" I called again.

"Yeah Em?"

I turned around and there he was. With just a towel wrapped around his waiste. I couldn't help but stare I mean who wouldn't just stare at him in just a towel its so damn hot. He has such a nice body and water was still dripping from His hair and making its way to his chest, stomach and then his....

"Emily??? You ok?" He said.

I snapped out of it and turned away from him.

"Y...yeah, umm... Gabe wanted me to wake you up. So now that your awake Goodmorning and see you downstairs." I said as I half ran downstairs. I could feel my face blush so much.

"So is he awake now?" Gabe asked

I nodded and went to set on the couch with Jesse and Jack.

"Pshhh... I can make better cupcakes than that" Jack said.

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