Crimson Jealousy

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A/N: Hunter becomes jealous of Sofia's relationship with Jacob. A new general threatens Serios' place in Diabolos' evil army.

"Bye, guys," Kelly said, as she packed up and strolled past Hunter, Blake, Dustin, and Shane.

"See ya, Kel," they called.

"And lock up, would ya?" she added, looking at Dustin.

"Sure thing, boss," Dustin confirmed.

Kelly smiled and walked out the door.

"Where's Sofia? Dudes, if we're late to Ninja Ops, Cam'll murder us," Dustin complained.

"Why would Cam murder us?" Sofia asked as she and Jacob stepped through the door.

"There you are. We were so close to sending a search party. Cam's waiting for us at Ninja Ops," Blake commented.

"Oh, sorry. Jake and I were at the beach and lost track of time," Sofia apologized.

"We should get going. We don't need our fearless leader committing manslaughter," Jacob stated, looking pointedly at Shane.

"Watch your back, fire boy," Shane teased.

"Right back at ya, flyboy," Jacob fired back.

Shane chuckled, as he and Blake exited.

Hunter stopped Sofia and took her hands in his.

"Soph, I was wondering..." Hunter trailed off.

"Yes?" Sofia rushed.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to..." Hunter attempted.

"Soph?" Jacob asked, interrupting Hunter.

Sofia looked over at her brother.

"You coming?" Jacob questioned.

"Yeah," Sofia answered, as she slid her hands out of Hunter's and led her brother out the door.

Hunter growled in frustration, as he glared daggers at the black ranger's back, before tromping out the exit.

Dustin, surprisingly, picked up on this exchange but decided to not think into it as it wasn't his business. He took his keys and walked to the exit, powering the lights down and locking the front door as he stepped outside.

Doom Island

A mysterious silver ship landed on the banks of the island. The door fell open and smoke poured out. Through the smoke stepped a shiny black boot followed by another one. A warrior with glowing red eyes stepped out. He hid his face behind a panther mask, a black leather bodysuit that covered a well-toned male body, and silver armor. His face was human, only heavily scarred and owned an abnormally sharp pair of teeth. He had shoulder-length silver hair that had been slickly gelled back.

His ship automatically locked behind him. He pressed a button on his left wrist that activated the vessel's cloaking device.

He strolled along the island, coming across a set of steps and preparing to ascend them, until a swirl of purple smoke made him pause. Serios stepped out of it and pointed at the intruder.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" he demanded.

"Get out of my way before I impale you with my blade," the visitor threatened, as he pulled a long, silver sword out of the scabbard on his hip. It was razor-sharp and had a diamond-encrusted hilt.

"You don't scare me," Serios hissed, as he drew his Serpent Blade.

The two warriors rushed at each other and almost struck one another before a blast of gold lightning tossed them on to the ground. They scrambled to their feet, as Diabolos appeared at the top of the stairs.

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