(Not So) Secret Admiration

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Summary: Shane and Dustin get not-so-secret admirers that are little too clingy. Meanwhile, Blake and Tori attempt to rekindle the love burning within. A monster sent by the black ranger causes lovey mischief around Blue Bay Harbor.

Hunter, Sofia, Blake, and Tori stood in Storm Chargers waiting for Shane and Dustin. The red and yellow rangers storm through the door followed by none other than... Marah and Kapri.

"Looks like you boys have some admirers," Sofia snorted.

"They've been tailing us since we finished with our ninja classes," Shane complained.

"Hey, Shane, how's 'bout we leave and get something to eat?" Kapri suggested, rubbing her hands up the red ranger's muscular arm.

"No thanks. We have, uh, ranger business to deal with...yeah," Shane gulped, pulling out of her grip.

"Ooh, can we come?" Marah asked Dustin eagerly.

"No, sorry Marah, but this is too important and you won't understand," Dustin replied.

"Aww," Marah and Kapri whined.

The rangers rolled their eyes and turned away, gathering in their own group.

"Are we doing Tsunami Cycle training?" Dustin wondered.

"No, ninja powers training," Hunter denied. "Sensei thinks that we need more training with our elemental abilities now that we have a bigger threat to worry about."

"Alright, well, we should get going. You know how Cam and Sensei hate being kept waiting," Shane announced.

"Right," the rangers voiced. They parted and ran out the door.

"We're going to follow them, right?" Marah asked.

"Oh, yeah," Kapri answered.

Doom Island

Green eyes snapped open to see the metallic face of Diabolos staring down at him. Jacob sat up from the table and held his throbbing head.

"Oh, what happened?" he groaned.

"The white ranger, your sister, knocked you on the head...hard. Serios had to find you and drag you here," Diabolos answered, lying through his non-existent teeth.

"She's going to pay," Jacob growled as purple light encased him, transforming back into the evil black ranger. "Some sister I have."

"Yes, and I have just the monster to help. It won't be physical pain, but rather, emotional," Diabolos said. "Eros, now!"

A golden lab-themed female monster walked through the open doors. "Diabolos, what can I do for you?"

"Go with Black Ranger and destroy the rangers with your love power," Diabolos ordered.

"I'll give the rangers a little taste of puppy love they'll never forget," Eros laughed. "One problem...my powers only work on males."

"That's all we need," Black Ranger cackled.

In a field

The six elemental ninja rangers stood in a line, morphed. Sensei and Cam stood behind them and Cam wore an earpiece.

"Okay, Rangers, we want each one of you to use your elemental abilities against a specialized target I've set up for you," Cam explained. "Shane, you're first."

Shane stepped out in front and waited for further instructions. "Okay...now what?"

"Use your air powers to form a wind tunnel to take out that Diabolos statue," Cam answered.

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