Happy Birthday...Or Not

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Summary: It's Sofia's 19th birthday, but it seems everybody has forgotten...or so it seems!

It was November 30th and it was a very special day for Sofia. Today, she turned 19 and she was stoked. She walked into Storm Chargers where the others were bustling about.

"Hey, guys," she greeted.

"Hey, Soph," they greeted.

"Do you guys know what day it is today?" Sofia asked, hoping that they had remembered her birthday. "Do you guys want to hang out today?"

"Yeah, it's November 30th... the day of the big skate demo that I'm doing," Shane replied. "Sorry."

"Okay," Sofia said, her smile fading. "What about the rest of you?"

"I want to get to the beach before the swell dies down," Tori informed.

"What about you three?" Sofia asked Hunter, Blake, and Dustin.

"We have to work, Soph," Hunter responded.

"Oh...okay. I guess I'll just go ride my bike or something," Sofia said dejectedly, turning around and walking out of Storm Chargers.

"I think we hurt her feelings," Tori commented.

"Yeah, but she'll get over it. She can't know about the surprise party," Blake replied.

"Alright, it's gonna be at Ninja Ops...oh wait...cake, who's getting the cake?" Shane wondered.

"Relax, Shane, Dustin's getting the cake, you guys are decorating, and I'm in charge of making sure that Sofia doesn't find out about the party," Hunter informed.

"Right, well we better get to it," Dustin stated.

They walked out of Storm Chargers to make preparations.

Doom Island

"Ahh, so it's the white ranger's birthday today," Diabolos drawled.

"I'll go give her a present that she'll never forget," the black ranger cackled.

"No, you'll lead my new monster into battle against her," Diabolos corrected.

"As you wish, Master," Black Ranger complied.

"Step forward Panoply," Diabolos commanded.

An armadillo-themed monster stepped out of the shadows. "Here I am," Panoply sang in his squeaky voice.

"You want me to lead him? He's a fool," Black Ranger complained, looking at Panoply who was murmuring and looking around the evil lair.

"Go! Before I reveal your identity to the rangers," Diabolos yelled.

"Yes, Master," the black ranger conceded. "Let's go." He made a ninja sign and the pair disappeared in a smokescreen of black flame.

"The white ranger is about to get a birthday gift that she won't ever forget," Diabolos cackled.

Ninja Ops

Sofia sat on the center table in Ninja Ops with her cheek against her hand. Cam approached her.

"Hey...why the long face? Isn't today your birthday?" Cam wondered.

"Yeah," Sofia mumbled.

"Happy Birthday," Cam congratulated.

"Thanks...at least somebody remembers," Sofia answered.

"Although it may not seem like it, your friends remember. They simply haven't shown it," Sensei intervened.

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