Ancient Jewels Part 1

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Summary: When the Black Ranger gets his hands on a powerful new armor, the Power Rangers are forced to go on a journey to find a new power to help their chances.

The black ranger kneeled in front of Diabolos, being called into the room on account of it being important.

"Master, why have you called upon me?"

Diabolos snapped his fingers and a Revolter scrambled to his side with a gold box. The shadow ninja snatched it and threw the lid open to reveal a small, shimmering, black diamond. He picked it out of the case before throwing the box on the floor. He held it up so that his soldier could see. "The Black Diamond."

"Mmm, pretty. But...what's the point of it?" Jacob got to his feet and took the jewel from his master's hand.

"Let me show you." Diabolos waved his hand and the diamond flew out of the black ranger's in a beam of purple energy into the morpher on his wrist, inducing his body with great power.

"Ooh, I like this! Those pesky rangers won't know what hit them!"

Ninja Ops

Tori and Blake walked in with their arms locked and Tori was giggling at something that Blake had just said. The other rangers were speaking in hushed tones, but turned when the new couple entered.

"Well, well, look who finally manned up and asked Tori to be his girlfriend ," Shane teased.

"Yeah, well, she kissed me, alright," Blake said, pulling Tori closer to his body.

"Oh, really! What happened to talking to him first?" Sofia asked.

"Um, well, things happened, things were said, and we...kissed," Tori replied, releasing Blake's waist.

"Ah, so, my baby brother finally smooth-talked his way into getting a girl," Hunter laughed, taking Blake's head under his arm and giving the navy ranger a noogie.

"Hey, hey, stop it, alright," Blake mock-growled, pulling his head out.

"Yeah, I don't need Blake all beat-up," Tori giggled.

"Dude, we won't hurt one hair on your boyfriend's head," Dustin chuckled. Tori gave the yellow ranger a face.

"Enough with this sappy stuff! Can we get back to what we were discussing?" Cam snapped.

"What were you discussing?" Tori countered.

"This." Cam pointed at a blip on his computer screen. The rangers gave him blank looks. "Oh, sorry. It's an energy somebody got a power boost."

"I'll give you one guess who that somebody is," Shane grumbled, mood soured.

"Yeah, my monster of a brother," Sofia spat.

"It appears that this ranger has received a new power. Rangers, you must stop him before he causes any damage to the city," Sensei said urgently.

"We'd better hope he doesn't cause any damage to us," Dustin muttered, rolling his dark eyes.

"We have to try," Hunter declared. "We can't just sit around and watch Blue Bay Harbor go up in flames!"

"Yeah, I'm with Hunter. We have to fight," Blake agreed.

"I'm in," Tori said.

"Right, well, now we've got that settled. Ready?" Shane breathed.

"Ready," Tori and Blake replied.

"Ninja Storm!"

"Thunder Storm!"

"Samurai Storm!"

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