Twisted Thunder Pt. 2

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Summary: It's a race against time as Shane's life is on the line and the girls face several obstacles while trying to obtain the antidote.

"General, give me the status report," Fidi demanded.

"The red ranger's life is dwindling. He has a few hours to live at most," General Kyiv reported.

"And as for the other plan, those foolish earthlings have no idea what they're really in for," he added, referring to the rangers.

"Excellent," the queen sneered.

Ninja Ops

"I just talked to my sister. She said that they're almost at the mountain," Jacob announced.

"That's good. Shane's not getting any better," Cam replied.

"We must trust that the girls can make it back in enough time," Sensei said.

Nocturno Mountains

"You want to talk about those marks on your neck?" Tori asked.

"How did-" Sofia began.

"I noticed them as soon as you walked into Ninja Ops. I just didn't say anything because I didn't want the boys freaking out," Tori explained.

"Hunter tried to...kill me," Sofia admitted.

"Why?" the blue ranger wondered.

"Whatever spell her majesty put them under is making them insane. Their eyes were glowing like demon eyes," Sofia explained.

"We have to find that gem fast if we want to save Shane's life and break Hunter and Blake out of the spell," Tori stated.

"According to this map, we have to hike to the peak of the tallest mountain to get to this gem," Sofia informed, glancing down at the map that she lit up with a flashlight.

"You mean, like that one?" Tori commented, pointing at a 10,000-foot mountain straight in front of them.

"Alright. We've got this," Sofia sighed, placing the map and light in her bag.

They tromped towards the mountain, exhaustion and all, and began their ascent.

On a nearby ledge, the Thunder Rangers watched on, waiting for the right time to pounce.

"When are we going after them? This waiting is getting old," Blake asked.

"You need to chill out. We'll attack when it's time," Hunter snapped, rolling his eyes behind his helmet.

Blake felt a slight pang of hurt in his twisted heart at his brother's cruel tone. Even when they were being manipulated by Lothor, Hunter was always fair with him. It was clear that whatever spell they were under was causing them to lose their humanity.

"Fine," Blake grumbled.

 Several hours later:

"We finally made it," Tori sighed in exasperation as they approached a cavern at the summit.

"Do you hear that?" Sofia asked, hearing a creaking noise.

"Yeah," Tori replied.

Suddenly, four stone statues that stood outside the cavern came alive. In each stone soldier's right hand was a large spear. The warriors took a fighting position and pointed their spears at the girls.

"And here I thought that we'd get through this without a hitch," Sofia grumbled.

"Ready?" Tori asked.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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