Twisted Thunder Pt. 1

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Summary: Shane gets seriously injured and the Thunder Rangers are out for blood. With Shane's life on the line and the Thunder Brothers on their tail, the rangers must travel into the mountains of California to find the one power source strong enough to save their friends.

Shane pounded the wall of Ninja Ops in anger while his teammates looked on.

"Shane, are you alright?" Sofia asked, wearily approaching the red ranger.

"You tell me. Our friends are evil...again. I don't know what to do," Shane replied, turning away from the wall he had been punching.

"Shane, this is nothing we haven't dealt with before. They've been evil before. Twice actually. And we've pushed through," Tori said.

"Yeah, it just doesn't feel good. As the leader and losing two rangers," Shane answered.

That's when the alarm sounded.

"Sorry to break this up, but the queen and her soldiers are attacking and there's a giant monster in the city that needs to be taken care of," Cam announced.

"Cam, Jake, stay here and protect Sensei just in case Hunter and Blake try something," Shane ordered.

The green and black rangers nodded.

"Tori, Dustin, you'll be in the megazord with me. Sofia, do you think you can handle a big battle on your own?" Shane asked.

"I'll do my best," Sofia assured.

"Now that we've got that sorted, ready?" Shane called.

"Ready," came the response.

"Ninja Storm,"

"Samurai Storm,"

"Blizzard Storm,"

"Fire Storm,"

"Ranger form, ha!"

They morphed and the four selected rangers streaked out while Cam and Jacob stayed behind.

Blue Bay Harbor city

The wind rangers ran towards where their zords were coming into view and leaped into the cockpits.

"Storm Megazord," they commanded, forming the giant robot.

Sofia landed in front of the offending group.

"Not the ranger we wanted," Kyiv growled.

"Yeah, well, you're gonna have to deal with it," Sofia spat back, drawing her blade and taking a fighting stance.

"Keep her busy and figure out a way to lure red ranger down here. I'm going to go find the evil Thunder Rangers," Fidi ordered.

"Yes, your majesty," Kyiv complied as she disappeared.

"You know? The new software that Cam installed into our helmets is pretty useful," Sofia called out.

"What software?" Kyiv asked.

"The kind that allows me to listen in on your conversation. The question is, why do you want Shane down here?" Sofia responded.

"That's for me to know and for you to be destroyed," the general snarled, motioning for his troop of Revolters and the two soldiers flanking him to attack.

"As if," Sofia scoffed, rolling her eyes behind her helmet and rushing into the fight.

Ninja Ops

Blake and Hunter stood outside Ninja Ops.

"What are we doing here?" Blake asked impatiently.

"We're continuing our revenge. Now that we're evil again, nothing'll stop us," Hunter replied.

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