𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3

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Amelia's room above ( This picture is taken from pinterest )


As soon as school finished I quickly started making my way out of this hell hole to reach my next hell hole ( my home). I start fast walking to home because Matt is home alone with the monster and I won't forgive myself if he ever laid a hand on him. I have saved him from our father and I will till my last breathe.

With this, I stopped and looked what's in front of me, the door to my hell hole.I slowly turned the knob but as always my luck wasn't on my side because my father was standing right in front of me. He was pacing around like a mad man.He looked really angry. My mind drifted to Matt.I hope he is okay.

As I was lost in my thought I didn't see my father coming towards me angrily. His fist made contact with my cheek making me come out of thoughts. Hell, it hurts like a bitch. He started punching my stomach making my ribs broken,again. He was not stopping......

For what feels like hours,he finally stopped and stormed out of the house. I sighed and tried to stand but I couldn't. He broke me once again.

I was lying on the floor with my blood pouring out from the old and new wounds. I started thinking about myself and Matt. I have to do something. I can't make Matt suffer like I did and still doing.As soon as I will turn 18, I'll make sure to take us somewhere safe,somewhere far away from this monster. 

I tried to stand and finally stood up and went straight to Matt's room and found him soundly sleeping. I smile at the scene in front of me. 

I softly started to wake up Matt and said '' baby boy, wake up.Sis is here." 

He groaned but woke up with a smile that I love the most. 

" Hey sis,how was your day? " He asked with a yawn, " a cute yawn'' I may add.

" Great" I fake smiled. I can't tell him about school. He already has enough about home situation I can't add more to his plate. He's only 8 for God Sake.

" Okay,enough with the talk. Get up and go wash your hands and I'll bring over your lunch,fine? "
I said 

" okayy" He smiled.

I went downstairs and started thinking about what should I make for him. I opened the fridge but saw nothing that could be enough for both of us for lunch. I sighed

I can't see Matt hungry.He already doesn't eat much and also I can skip lunch. No biggie.

I made matt mac n cheese and he loves it. So yea,plus point to make him happy. He will love it and will say " Thankyou sis,I love this. But, I love you more so don't cry okay? " Haha, my baby bro is cute.

I sat the dish on the tray and quickly went to his room. He was looking outside the window. 

'' Matt your lunch is here and...its a surprise." I said smiling fully.

He looked at me with his wide eyes and asked " What is it ??what is it???

"Guess.." I said 

"ummmmm........." He stated thinking with a finger on his chin.

'' MAC N CHEESE,IS IT?? " He screamed happily.

Thank god dad is not home or else it wouldn't have ended well.  He hates us talking all alone screaming...ughhh... I can't even think about it.

" YESSSSSS" I said with a smile 

" Thankyou sis,I love this. But, I love you more so don't cry okay? " He said and snatched the plate from me and started eating with a wide grin on his handsome face.

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