chapter 73

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Zoe's POV

"I called them, they should be getting here shortly." Zac said, I nodded.

I stayed here last night again, at Madison's house. Obviously, Devin and her were at work. They're always gone, I'm surprised Zac doesn't leave.

I'm also still glad Harry or either of the boys have called or tried to reach me. Hopefully Carly won't open her big mouth, and tell them.

"Uh, they're here." Zac mentioned, walking to the door to let them in. I smiled, excited to see my childhood friends.

I heard a husky voice come from outside, when Zac opened the door.

"Zac! What's up dude." The deep voice said, "Hey, Zac." I heard a girl say.

"I've missed you!" Zac said. I didn't know who was at the door, but all Zac said was I was good friends with them when we were little kids. I couldn't really tell who the voices belonged to, because it's been almost 15 years, Zac told me.

I stood behind Zac, waiting for the two of them to walk inside.

Finally, Zac moved and they entered. My eyes widened at the couple, I've missed. Conner and Lee.

Obviously, Conner was Nathan's best friend and that's why he was coming in, im guessing.

Lee squealed, she ran towards me, embracing me into a tight hug. I immediately hugged back.

"I've missed you! Haha, it's been years." She said, I laughed.

Lee and I go way back, in grade school we played league basketball together. She always a blast to be around.

"I've missed you too, Socks." I smirked. She slapped my arm, giving me a look. Socks was her "nickname." Let's just say, she wore crazy freaking socks back then.

Lee stood beside me, letting Conner walk in.

"Conner." I said, giving him a stern look. "Zoe." He replied.

Well, Conner and I never were on good terms. He was a good friend, but he just did pretty bad things with Nathan and their other friend Peyton.

Conner walked past us, wrapping his arm around Lee. "Okay, PDA." I groaned.

Lee gave me a dirty look, "You know, I have to look at pictures of you and Harry making out in public all over Twitter and Instagram. So zip it." She put her finger up to her lips.

I just laughed at her, and walked up to my room.


I heard a light knock on the door, "Come in!" I shouted. Lee walked in, shutting the door behind her.

She jumped on my bed, landing beside me. I just laughed at her, once again.

"We need to talk about Nathan.." She said. I nodded, sitting up straight.

"Zac told us, all what happened before Nathan, got into this accident. If you want me to stay here, I will. I'll stay at the hospital with Nathan. He was a friend to me, just like you." Lee replied. I nodded. She was right, she was kind of saying that, I don't need to be here revolving just around him.

"I know what he did, he abused you... I wouldn't even want to be near him." She was so right..

"Yeah I know. You-your right. He just scared me.. The drugs were doing that to him." I tried not to raise my voice.

Lee scooted closer to me, patting my back for comfort.

"Me moving to Alabama, did put our friendship on hold. But, that didn't mean I kept up with what happened with my friends. First, I find out you! You, are dating Harold Styles, of One Direction!!" She squealed. I laughed nodding,

"Well I kind of put our relationship on a break." I mentioned. I think she already knew.

"I know.. But, Zac said you were starting become just friends, then you may find your way back together." She winked, goofing around.


We talked for almost half an hour, still talking.

I smiled, "So how's you and Conner?" I asked Lee. She blushed.

"You know we've been dating for almost 10 years, and I still can't believe it. I didn't see him for a long time, when I moved to Alabama. Yet, he still wanted us to work out. He visited me almost every 2 weeks." She blushed, while telling me. She truly did love him.

I laughed saying, "Total relationship goals.." I used my fingers to make quotation marks.


We made our way back downstairs, getting ready to leave for the hospital.

"Let's go." Zac shouted, Lee, Conner, and I followed him out into his BMW.

He was such a spoiled kid.. getting BMW's at 19 years old.

I sat upfront with Zac, letting Lee and Conner get in the back.


We arrived back at the hospital, everybody following me up to room 247 .

I just barged into the door, seeing no other than Curt sitting in the chair talking to Nathan?!?!

I gasped covering my mouth, "wait. you're awake?!" I yelled.

Nathan nodded slowly, looking like he's in pain.

Well they did, have tubes down his throat.

I was on the verge to just walking out, but I didn't.

"Wait Zoe, please." Nathan whispered. Curt motioned for Lee, Conner, and Zac to walk out for just a second to let us talk.

I sat down in the chair beside Nathan. "I'm so sorry, Zoe. I do remember what I did to you, I abused you. I'm so sorry." He cried. Tear slipped down his cheek. I could tell he's generally sorry, I could always tell that about people.

"It's okay, but I still can't forgot what happened. We can be friends, but you just need to stay in Baltimore, while I go back to London." He nodded.

He sighed, laying back against his pillow.

"I don't know why I started doing this terrible drugs, I just did them. They made me feel alive and good." He randomly said.

"You seriously need to stop, Nathan. Look what they're doing to you!" I yelled.

He nodded, I couldn't take it really anymore. I just walked out, not looking back. I stopped straight infront of Lee. "Please look out for him." I barely whispered into Lee's ear.

She gulped, nodding.

I ran down the hall, hearing Zac and Conner yelling for me. But I couldn't go back there. Nathan does this to himself and doesn't even care. Did he even care about me?

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