chapter 78

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Zoe's POV

I was awoken by the smell of delicious pancakes or it might be bacon coming from downstairs. I opened my eyes to a weird surrounding. Where am I? Oh wait, I forgot. After last night, Harry and I headed back to the boy's apartment. We must be in his bedroom..

I got up, out of bed. Wait..I only have his white shirt on.. My mind is pretty fuzzy from last night. I know I didn't drink, but I'm pretty tired.

Okay, we got home. Louis, Kels, and Zayn were on the couch. We told them we were going to bed. Then, we took our clothes off, Harry handed me his white shirt. Sheww, we didn't sleep together.  I know, we've slept together multiple time, but I just want to wait.

I decide to slip on a pair of Harry's boxers laying on the dresser. I make my way downstairs to see Harry cooking food. He only has a pair of basketball shorts on. I run up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Good morning," Harry smiled.

"Good morning hottie," I replied. What was wrong with me this morning? I winked at Harry when he looked down at me.

He bent down and sweetly pecked my lips. Ugh, I've missed him so so so much. Even after all this drama, I still can't get enough of him.

Harry smacked his hands together. "What would you like my lady?" He asked, showing me he made pancakes, bacon, eggs, and even sausage.

I still have my arms wrapped around his waist, "Uhh, I want an egg and bacon sandwich..please."I smiled really big showing my teeth. He turned around immediately making my sandwhich.

Sitting down at the table, this one question came to my mind. Where's eveyone else? "Hey, Harry where's the rest of the crew?" I yelled into the kitchen. Harry walked in with two plates in his hands. In his he had pancakes, sausage, and eggs. In mine was my sandwich.

"They went out shopping and to let us spend time alone here." He answered before stuffing his mouth with syrupy pancakes.

I laughed, "Let me guess? You bribed them to leave." He winked nodding with his mouth still full.


After eating we decided to stay in our comfortable clothes and watch Netflix. He turned on our show known as Pretty Little Liars. He nuzzled his head in my neck, "You know I cried while watching this a few weeks back," he mumbled into my neck.

"Why?" I asked puzzled.

"Because, I just missed you." He choked. Awh, he was about to cry.

I grabbed his head to make him look at me, "Come on let's talk." I mentioned.

He nodded, "To be honest, I was a wreck. I drank every night and just laid in my bedroom. I didn't talk to anybody," he sighed.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't wan any of that to happen. H-he kissed me...a-and I didnt pull away...I couldn't lie to you either. But, when I had nobody else I called him. He was nothing like you, I cried every night for you Harry. The-then his dad called me saying he overdosed..I had to be with him. He had nobody, but then he went back to being a jerk about you. I-I I couldn't do it so I came back." I cried, I didn't know I was crying into Harry's shoulder.

Harry hugged me tighter, "Babe, it's over with..As long as I have you with me now, nothing matters." he whispered into my ear.  I snuggled him even tighter, never wanting to let go of the boy I love.

The boy I met at a bar..The boy who stole my heart....Nothing will ever change...He's mine and I'm his.

"I love you...." I whispered.

"And I love you too." Harry replied, kissing my jaw.


Sorry about this filler.....I've been gone a while, not been able to update... ily guys,

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