chapter 11

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"Are you sure they're going to like me?" I worried.

"I promise, if I like you, they are going to love you!" He promised.

We were in Harry's Land Rover right now on our way to Louis' house. The whole band is supposed to be there and I'm really nervous.

"Soo I heard Carly has a thing for Niall? " Harry smirked.

I laughed. "Yeah she has, every since we first found out about you guys. We should hook them up." I winked at Harry.

"What about you? Who was your favorite from the beginning?"

For some reason, when he asked that question I got nervous because it wasn't him.

"Uhh, well the truth is. At first it was Louis in the video diaries and then my feelings went towards Zayn, then Niall, then ever since Story of My Life came out and i watched the video. I started falling for you." I covered up my face with my hands.

He grabbed my wrist. The light turned red and stopped the car. We looked each other in the eyes. "You have me now." He whispered. I blushed...

We took a sharp right and arrived at a huge house.

"Harry no, this house is so nice. I can't go in there. I look like a skank." I said.

Harry smirked. "Babe, you look beautiful the way you are. They're going to love you okay?"

I smiled. "Okay."

Harry ran over to my side of the door and opened it for me just like a gentleman. When I hopped out I gave Harry a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you sweetie" He smiled down at the ground and grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

Harry walked straight through the house without even knocking, like he owned the place.

"Hazza!!!" Somebody shouted behind me. I turned my head and noticed Louis running towards Harry.

"Boo bear!" Harry shouted. Awh, Larry Stylinson. They hugged like they haven't seen each other in forever.

After their long hug, Louis winked at me.

"Now who is this lovely lady?" Louis asked about me.

Harry put his arm around my waist. "This is my amazing girlfriend, Zoe. Zoe, this is Louis." I smiled.

"I know who he is. No need to introduce."

"Well I guess she's a fan?" Louis asked.

"A fan? She's an obsessed fan. Posters everywhere." Harry smirked. I smacked him across the arm. How dare he!

"Shut up Hazza!" I yelled.

After that encounter, we headed outside where the other boys were.

I noticed the whole band with Perrie, Sophie, and Eleanor.

The whole group yelled, "Harry!" And they all ran towards him and hugged.

Niall was the first one to notice me and he embraced me in a hug.

"Wow, Niall, back off she's mine." Harry growled.

"Sorry lad, soo this must be the beautiful Zoe you've been telling us about at rehearsals." I blushed. He's talked about me? Of course he has, He's my boyfriend!!

"Yes boys, this is her. Zoe, this is Niall, Liam, Zayn, Eleanor, Perrie, Sophia, and You've already met Louis." Harry said.

"You don't have to introduce I know who they all are." I assured.

Perrie ran up to me and hugged me. She squealed.

"We totally all 4 of us, need a girls shopping spree tomorrow. You wanna go Zo?"

"Totally, sure" then we exchanged numbers.

After having lunch and talking and having an amazing time with the friends it was time to go. We all hugged each other and said our goodbyes.

Harry and I made our way back to the car.

"So watcha think? Did you have a great time?" Harry asked.

I smiled. "I had an amazing time, thank you for dragging me outta bed today." I reached over the console and kisses Harry. I'm so glad he's mine.

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