Hanahaki ✯ Disease

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Hanahaki is a disease that causes flowers to form in someone's lungs. This causes the person to cough up flower petals, blood, and sometimes even whole flowers. These flowers only start to grow from the cause of one-sided love. There are 3 ways to cure yourself of this disease. One is to have the person return your love, the second is to have a surgery that would remove the flowers but as well as the love for whom you love, and lastly isn't exactly pleasant, but its to live with it and allow it to consume you.

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OC has been suffering from this disease for a while now, but they can't bring themself to tell anyone or to get the surgery. They've just been slowly dying with their love for crush. As much as they want to tell crush they can't bring themself to from fear of being rejected. OC does what they can to act as they normally do even when they are slowly dying. Even though they thought that they were doing well. Crush seemed to notice just the smallest thing off.

Crush had gone up to OC and questioned if they were feeling okay, noticing that they had become paler over the course of a few weeks. OC continuously said that they were fine. Crush tried to think if they were telling the truth but went with it. A few days later Crush had noticed OC hadn't talked to then as much as they did before. Worried they decided to go to their house. To check up on them.

It just so happened they could hear coughing fit from OC on the otherside of the door. Worried crush knocked on the door and once OC opened it to their surpised Crush asked if they were alright. OC again saying they were fine. Crush said they came over to simply hang out sense they havent in awhile. OC did their best at keeping themself together and orevsnting their coughing. But they couldnt do it forever. And eventually had gone to the bathroom in hopes to relax and stay silent while removing what petals they had. It didnt go silently as they went into a large coughing fit on the ground of the bathroom.

They hadn't locked the door and there crush was standing there. Confused and worried.

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*The flowers can and will not hesitate to also effect the persons breathing.

*Flowers can differ from person to person

*The scenario is just an idea, you can make your own, or even alter the one I made. Its just a base idea

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What do you do?

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My OC Astro would cough up red roses.

(OLD) My OC Katniss would cough up either blue orchids, or orange marigolds based on crush we roleplay with. (Blue orchids for Iida, and the orange marigolds for Sero)

My OC Tori would cough up flowers based on their crush which can differ: But for Iida, blue orchids; for Sero, orange marigolds; for Momo, red roses; and for Jirou, alliums.

My OC Anika would cough up red hibiscus'

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