Chapter 40: Infultration Successful

Start from the beginning

Hana appeared beside Jiraya, looking around cautiously.

The rain poured endlessly on them both, as Hana smiled.

"Well, infiltration successful." Jiraya said with a smirk as Hana narrowed her eyes, both of them standing.

"Actually, it was easier than I thought...maybe too easy." Hana said as she stared at the hidden rain village.

Pain's head snapped to Konan, Mako standing besides them in chains.

"Pain, what's the matter?" Konan questioned as Pain turned back to the city.

"Someone has circumvented my rain. From the feel of this chakra, they are very powerful." Pain related as Konan narrowed her eyes.

Jiraya and Hana walked through the city streets, their hoods pulled up as Hana looked around cautiously.

"All right. Where to start?" Jiraya questioned as Hana looked over at an old lady, who was running a small pork bun shop.

"Pork buns." Hana said as Jiraya nodded.

"Good work." Jiraya said as he walked over, Hana drooling slightly.

"Oh, I was just eyeing the food..."

"I'll take two of these pork buns if you please, granny." Jiraya said as the woman eyed the two carefully, Hana tossing the hot dumpling in her hands.

"Why, thank you. I don't think I've seen you two before. Not from around here, are you?" The old lady asked as Hana ate her dumpling happily, Jiraya smiling at the lady.

"No, we're not. I'm a traveling writer, and this is my assistant. We journey around from place to place and write about cuisine from wherever I happen to be visiting." Jiraya said as Hana finished the dumpling, smiling sweetly at the woman who's eyes widened.

"Oh, I see. So tell me, how do you like my pork buns?" The woman asked as Hana's smile widened, as she pulled off her hood, her red hair shining brightly under the lanterns.

"They're delicious, ma'am! Truly worth writing about!" Hana said sweetly as the woman narrowed her eyes for a second, before smiling.

"I had heard they were good, but now that I've had one, they're amazing." Jiraya said as he took another bite.

"I know. Aren't they tasty?" The woman questioned as Hana nodded.

"You know what? I would love to write about these in my magazine. Would that be ok?" Jiraya questioned as Hana nodded excitedly.

"My pork buns would be in a magazine?" The lady questioned as Hana and Jiraya nodded.

"Yep, that's right!" Hana said happily as Jiraya leaned towards the woman, whispering at her.

"Though once I write about them, you'll have such a crowd here you'll never have a moment to yourself." Jiraya whispered as Hana looked out at the rain distractedly.

"Hm, I see." The woman said.

"Boy, it's certainly nice and peaceful around here, isn't it?" Jiraya said as the woman nodded.

"Yes. This village is no longer plagued by war thanks to the efforts of lord Pain." The woman said as Hana turned back to the woman.

"Lord Pain?" Hana questioned.

"That right. Lord Pain is our leader." The woman said as Jiraya raised an eyebrow.

"Lord Pain? What happened to Hanzo of the salamander?" Jiraya questioned as Hana looked around, people staring at them as Hana nudged jiraya.

"Let's go. Thanks for your time, granny." Jiraya said quickly as him and Hana left.

"What's going on here? This land isn't divided into two. It's already United. The hidden rain used to be led by hanzo of the salamander. So where is he?" Jiraya questioned as Hana shook her head, finishing some dango as she looked around.

"We should check this place out thoroughly. Why don't we-" Hana was stopped as Jiraya's eyes widened, staring at a love shop with a pervy look.

"Ugh. You're kidding." Hana said as she facepalmed, Jiraya chuckling.

"Now, Hana. I'll be back in a moment. Why don't you search around for a second? I'll be right back." Jiraya said as he ran off, Hana deadpanning as she stood.

"That damned perv..." Hana mumbled, about to leave when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Hana turned around, facing a woman with a scowl.

"You even look like him. That awful red hair and those blue eyes. Are you somehow related to Kanto Uzumaki?" The woman questioned with a disgusted look, as Hana put her hood up, shaking her head.

"No, you have me mistaken. Tell me, who is this, Kanto uzumaki?" Hana asked as the woman had a face full of disgust.

"He's the 'red tiger of the leaf.' He invaded our village during the third great ninja war, and was the one who caused such extensive damage to our home. The red hair and blue eyes are a sign of him. Sorry, I mistook you however, I just wanted to check." The woman said as Hana nodded.

"It's alright. Have a nice evening." Hana said as she walked away, a sad look crossing her face.

"Dad must have done some bad things in his life..." Hana mumbled as she sat outside of the love shop, waiting for Jiraya.

"You look like an idiot." Hana mumbled as Jiraya growled.

Jiraya had a bartender like outfit on, a white mustache and glasses as well.

"This is for the information, Hana!! Just pretend to be the sexy waitress!" Jiraya said as Hana made a disgusted face.

"No way. I'll just hide in the back." Hana said as she walked away.

The bar turned into a small frog, leaping into the water quickly as the two men inside screamed.

Pain raised his hands high into the air, the rain stopping as Konan started her jutsu.

Konan turned into papers, flying through the village as Mako's eyes widened.

Hana stood next to Jiraya, the men stuck to the frog like wall as they glared at them.

"What the hell is this place!?" One of the men yelled as Hana smiled.

"Inside the stomach of a toad." Hana said with a smirk as Jiraya smiled.

"No matter what you may try, you'll never be found here." Jiraya said as he pulled out a feather, Hana sighing as she shook her head.

"What are you going to do with that!?" One of the men yelled as Jiraya grinned.

"Tickle you of course. If you don't want to die from laughing, I suggest you answer all my questions. Now, tell me about your leader, Pain."

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