Chapter 11: Kiss

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Hana, Naruto, and Sakura entered the hospital room, Kakashi laying on the bed with a tired look.

Naruto leaned over the bed, trying to see Kakashi's face under the sheet.

Tsunade walked into the hospital room, whistling.

"Wow Hana, nice clothes." Tsunade chuckled as Hana turned red.

"Shut up, hag." Hana said in embarrassment.

Ten ten also whistled.

Hana wore a burgundy dress down to her mid thighs, her usual black stocking and shorts underneath.

The dress had white trimming, the waist band a bright white.

Hana blushed in frustration.

"Temari got me it a while ago...and my normal clothes are dirty..." Hana mumbled.

Tsunade put Kakashi on bed rest for a week from over using his sharingan as Hana yawned.

Tsunade gripped the railing tightly as she sighed, Sakura and Shizune exchanging looks.

"Tenchi Bridge...that could be a problem. Hana has been revealed as the jinchuriki for the twelve tails. She's a target now." Tsunade said as Sakura nodded in agreement.

"You could maybe send her to the sand, while you send Naruto and Sakura to the bridge." Shizune offered as Sakura shook her head.

"She should be able to come with us on missions now! Do you know what she'd do if she found out we were just sending her on random missions, having her avoid real missions with us?" Sakura said as Tsunade shook her head.

"Hana is one of the most sought after people starting now! What would happen if the akatsuki were waiting there in full force, just waiting for anybody foolish enough to show up!?" Tsunade scolded as Shizune nodded.

"Let me go." Hana said as she landed in front of Tsunade. "I want to bring back Sasuke. I want him back. Let me go on this mission with Sakura and Naruto, please."

"Hana, this is involving the akatsuki! If you're spotted, it's all over! Hana, I'm sorry but I'm sending you on a different mission." Tsunade said with a stern look as Hana looked out at the village.

"I guess I understand...but, Lady Tsunade. Mark my words. I will bring Sasuke back. I helped Rose sensei, now it's Sasuke's turn. I swear this, on my life. Which might I add, I've already lost twice, a third time wouldn't hurt, right?" Hana said with a smile as Tsunade shook her head, Sakura staring at Hana.

"I'll see you, hag. I'm gonna go find Shika or Hina!" Hana said with a smile as she disappeared.

Hana appeared next to a blushing Hinata, who screamed at Hana.

"Ahh! The hell Hina! It's me!!" Hana yelled as she fell backwards, looking down the alley at Naruto, Kiba, and Shino.

"Ahh! I'm sorry Hana! I didn't recognize your outfit!" Hinata said as Hana stood up, smirking as Naruto ran over.

"Hey Hinata! What are you doing hiding back here?" Naruto asked as Hana laughed.

Hinata dropped to the ground, fainting as Hana laughed.

Hana pressed two fingers to Hinata's forehead, a warm glow coming from her fingers as Hinata slowly woke.

"Welcome back, Hina!" Hana said excitedly as Hinata smiled only for Naruto to get in Hinata's face.

"Hinata! Don't say a word! Just come with me and let's get out of here." Naruto said as Hinata turned bright pink, before fainting again.

"Naruto, What are you doing?" Hana asked as Naruto chuckled.

"We have to get a fourth teammate for the mission! Come on!" Naruto said as he reached for Hana, who took a step back.

"Sorry, Naruto. I can't go." Hana said sadly as Naruto looked at her in confusion.

"Why not..?" Naruto questioned.

Hana looked at him in confusion. "Naruto, I'm a jinchuriki too yah know! I can't just be running around anywhere I like! Did you not know that!?" Hana asked as Naruto's face fell.

"W-wha!? You're a...wait- how many tails!?" He asked as Hana deadpanned.

"Twelve. I'm going to find Shika, later." Hana said as she vanished.

"Shika!" Hana yelled happily as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders, basically strangling him.

"Hana! Get off!" Shikamaru yelled as Hana laughed.

"Just thought I'd say hello! Anything you want me to tell your girlfriend while I'm at the hidden sand?~" Hana teased as Shikamaru smirked.

"You know, a little birdie told me you made a move on the kazekage. That true?" Shikamaru asked as Hana turned bright red.

"You asshole. Tch. I'll see you." Hana said as Shikamaru laughed, Hana vanishing.

Hana appeared in the hokages office, smiling at Tsunade.

"Alright granny! Let's hear the mission!" Hana said as Tsunade groaned.

"Just go. I've had anbu following you all the time, so just go ahead. There isn't really much of a mission, just give this to Gaara and you're all set." Tsunade said as she handed Hana a small scroll, who nodded with a smile.

"Peace, granny!"

-time skip-

"Hana!!! Get down!!" Temari screamed as Hana hung upside down from the ceiling.

"Gaara! Please save me from the mean lady!!" Hana yelled as Temari growled.

"What happened?" Gaara asked as Temari cracked her knuckles.

"She keeps teasing me about Shikamaru!!" Temari yelled as Hana jumped down, pointing at Temari.

"You keep teasing me about Gaara!" Hana yelled as Gaara looked up.

"Why are you teasing us?" Gaara questioned as Hana went red, Temari laughing.

"Hey gaara, do you know how the breath of life jutsu works?" Temari said with a smirk as Hana put a hand over Temari's mouth.

"Isn't that when the user has to like, kiss the-oh my god....wait- no no no way..." Kankuro said in disbelief as Hana chuckled.

"What are you all talking about?" Gaara asked as Temari grabbed Hana's hand, ripping it off.

"Hana kissed you and she basically saved your life and she told me that you showed her what love was!!" Temari yelled as Hana went as red as her hair.

Gaara stood up, walking over to Hana slowly as he stopped right in front of her.

"Gaara-" Hana was cut off as Temari and Kankuro's jaws hit the floor.

Gaara pulled Hana's chin up, gently kissing her as she turned red.

"It's not a big deal..." Gaara mumbled as he walked back to his desk, sitting down as Hana fainted.

Needless to say, Temari and Kankuro were sworn to secrecy.

A/N:) hope you enjoyed this little filler episode ig:D

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