Chapter 56: The Past is the Past

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"You will hand over the rogue. You will tell us everything you know about Sasuke. Of course, his ninjitsu style and powers, but also any data you have gathered about the akatsuki and Sasuke's partners, as well as their past actions." Karui said as Hana kept her eyes closed, not answering as Sakura stared at them.

"No way! It's a lie! And there's no way we're giving you Hana!" Sakura yelled as she gritted her teeth. "Sasuke wouldn't join the akatsuki!"

"Are you sure about this?" Naruto questioned.

"Yes! The uchiha family crest was verified! And his facial composite matched the list. I also have the exact confirmation for the capture of the Suna rogue!" Omoi said as he pulled out a scroll, showing them as Sakura stared in horror.

Sakura started to sob, as Naruto tried his best to comfort her.

"Why are you crying?! We're the ones who want to cry! Your tears won't bring back lord Killed bee or lady yugito! And you staying silent won't bring back the Jimi clan! If you have time to cry, then start talking about Sasuke!" Karui yelled as she pointed her katana towards Hana.

Hana just stood there in silence, her arms crossed as she had her eyes closed, seemingly ignoring everyone.

"Wait, guys. When the authorization to terminate Sasuke was given, all the hidden leaf data relating to him should have been passed on to you. It's not necessary to press these three any further." Sai said as Karui's eyes widened slightly.

"Oh, you're right! Our captain is waiting for it. We were just tying to get whatever other information was available! And capture that rogue!" Karui yelled as Hana opened her eyes, staring deeply into Karui's.

"Hang on. I'm a rogue of Suna. Not the hidden leaf. I'm not under the authorization of the Hokage. It's up to the Kazekage to pass my capture over." Hana said as Karui grabbed the scroll from Omoi, tossing over to Hana with a smirk.

"Read it."

Hana caught the scroll, opening it as she read the contents.

Hana's eyes widened, as she looked back up the Karui and Omoi.

"I-I don't understand." Hana said shakily as Omoi chuckled.

"The kazekage passed you on a long time ago as a citizen of Konoha. You're no longer under the kazekages rule." Omoi said as Hana tossed back the scroll, looking down.

'Why didn't Gaara tell me? Come to think of it...he hasn't sent me a single letter or note or anything. Why?' Hana thought to herself.


"You can't expect us to stay still! We don't even know how our masters doing! You're not involved in this, so you wouldn't understand how we feel!" Omoi yelled as Hana and Naruto stared back.

"Is your master a jinchuriki?" Hana questioned as she looked back at Naruto and then back at Omoi and karui.

"How did you know?" Omoi questioned as Hana stared back.

"Because me and Hana are jinchuriki too. The akatsuki is after the jinchuriki. So actually, we are involved." Naruto said as Omoi and Karui's eyes widened.

"The akatsuki will always capture a jinchuriki alive. That means your master may not be dead." Hana said as Omoi and Karui gasped.

"Are you serious?!" Karui said in shock as Hana nodded.

"Never mind Sasuke. You need to save your master first. I'll return to the leaf village and discuss things with the hokage over my capture." Hana said as Omoi looked at her in shock.

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