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Lily:*Just playing on her phone*

Reena:BAI!!! *Hugs Lily*

Lily:What the-?! Bai?!

Kyle:*Goes near Lily* Bai it's time!

Lily:Time? Time for what?

Reena and Kyle:MAKEOVER!!!

Lily:Oh no. No no no. I like this look the way it is.

Reena:No! Bai you NEED to have this makeover.

Kyle:This makeover will make you all cute. Plus I think Karl would love the new look~

Lily:*Blushing so much* Alright fine.....But ONLY since you guys would just drag me in whether I agree or not....

Reena and Kyle:Yay! Let's go to the mall! *Both get Lily and about to go to the mall*


Uraraka:Yes Lily!

*The trio then go to the mall*

*2 hours later*

Meeko:Hey Uraraka. How long will Sis and her friends come back?

Uraraka:Any minute now.

Reena:*Comes in* We're back guys. How do I look?

Tsuyu:That looks great on you Reena-chan

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Tsuyu:That looks great on you Reena-chan. The wings look good too.

Uraraka:Agreed. Where's Kyle and Lily?

Kyle:*Comes in* I'm here. I didn't change that much though.

 I didn't change that much though

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Meeko:You still look good.

Karl:I agree. Now where's Lily?

Kyle:She's too shy to come in. She thinks she's ugly but she's just overreacting.

Lily:*Still outside* You can't make me come in....

Reena:*Sighs* Just come in already.


Evos:*Comes in* Oh hey guys.

Meeko:Ev! Perfect timing. We need you to get your mother in here.

Evos:Alright...where is she?

Karl:*Points to the front door*

Evos:Okay. *Goes to the door*

Karl:Why did you guys did a makeover?

Reena:Well Lily planned on doing the makeover for the three of us while me and Kyle were staying here.

Karl:Oh alright.

Evos:Mom! Just come in already! Please!?

Lily:Alright fine!

Reena and Kyle:*Smirking*

Lily:*Comes in* H-hey guys....

Karl: O/////O


D-do I look that b-bad

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D-do I look that b-bad..?

Evos:*Amazed* Bad? Mom you look amazing!

Karl:And kinda cute-I mean! O/////O

Lily:I'm going to my room now! Bye! *Runs to her room while covering her blushing face*

Karl:I can't believe I just said that out loud.....

Meeko:Well you did. I hope you take care of her when you're married.

Karl:*Punches Meeko's shoulder* Dude! Not funny! //////

Meeko:What? Just stating the truth.

Karl:Now I'm going to my room. *Goes to his room with a blushing face*

~Uraraka:*Got a video* Time to show this to Deku and everyone else ÒwÓ

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