"Where's Eimi?" Natsuo asked as he sat down on the love seat sofa beside the couch.

"She's changing out of her gym uniform and into something more comfortable."

Right as I said that Eimi came out in a light blue pajama romper that had a panda pattern on it and some long fuzzy pink socks. She smiled and made her way over to the love seat and sat down beside Natsuo. He ruffled her hair and she giggled. Natsuo grabbed a cup of water for him and Eimi and then Fuyumi handed one to me and sipped out of hers.

(A/N the romper, I just thought it was very cute and that it's totally something Eimi would wear to sleep!)

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(A/N the romper, I just thought it was very cute and that it's totally something Eimi would wear to sleep!)

We all sat there enjoying each others company before Eimi's phone went off. She smiled sheepishly and pulled out her phone from her pocket and checked who texted her. She quickly typed a reply and put her phone down. Fuyumi put her glass down and then stood up.

"How about we all do something as a family? Maybe play some games or watch a movie?" She asked and Eimi's face lit up.

"Ooo, can we watch How to Train Your Dragon? I haven't watched it in a bit." Eimi added excitedly as she jumped up. Fuyumi put her hands together and smiled.

"That sounds perfect! Natsuo can you go make popcorn, while I get the movie from my room? Also Shoto, do you mind getting a few blankets and pillows for us to use?"

"On it!" Natsuo saluted and ran off to the kitchen. "I'll make the best popcorn you've ever tasted!"

"Sure. Eimi, could you help me?" I asked while turning to face her.

"Of course! Where is the linen closet?"

"I'll show you." I said as we started down the hall. We all went around the house to gather the things we needed and brought them back to the living room. I placed the last couple of blankets on the couch as Eimi face planted on the ground with five pillows. She sat up and smiled at me.

"Let's make this area comfy!" She exclaimed and started pushing pillows and blankets around. I had an idea and ran off. I quickly came back with two futons and laid them down in front of the couch. Eimi's eyes brightened as she started to add pillows and blankets to them.

Fuyumi's POV

Once I came back with the movie in hand I saw Shoto and Eimi settling down on the piles of blankets and pillows. I smiled and went to check on how Natsuo was doing.

"Hows the popcorn coming?" I asked as he turned around with two big bowls full of freshly popped popcorn. He handed one to me and salted the other in his hand. He then salted the one he handed me and put the salt back.

"Lets go!" He said happily and walked passed me into the living room. He handed the bowl that was in his hand to Shoto who was already magically in pjs and under a blanket while Eimi was messing around with one of my cute food designed pillows. It happened to be my avocado pillow that had a detaching pit pillow that velcroed to the center of it.

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