Song I

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'It's been two years since the Apocalylse happened. Two years without Inori by my side'

'Are you happy there? Do you miss me? I wish you were here with me. I wish I could be With You.. '

'I miss you,..Inori.'

'It's my's my fault your'e not here anymore...'

'...if only, I had come earlier to save wouldn''d still be here,..with me'



I maxxed the volume of my headphones while listening to Inori's song..

'I will never forget this voice...Inori's voice,her soft mellow voice.'


'Warm....warm tears?

I heard teardrops falling on my right mechanical hand, making a clingking sound.

I'm crying?... that's right...even if I'm blind...even if I can't see anymore.. I can still cry, I can still shed tears.'

'I'm pitiful...'

I faced up from where the sun was shining.

I let my tears keep falling over my cheeks as I felt the warmth of the sun fading away from my face.

It's probably sundown now.

After Inori's song ended,and no sound could be heard from my headphones, I decided to go home ,so I reached out for my walking stick and stood up from the dusty grassy ground.

I dusted out the dirt that was stuck on my pants from sitting on the ground

I tapped my walking stick forward making sure nothing was on my way, carefully I walked.

I walked out of that rusty old building. The building...'where Inori and I first met.'


The first time I saw her was when I came to this abandoned building in school where I would work on my project alone, then I heard someone singing...

A voice,. A soft,sad voice that sung a very sad song.

I followed the voice inside that old building, then I saw Her.

A pink-haired girl with reddish ruby eyes sat on the ground singing.

She was half-naked and wounded, her arm covered in blood.

-End of Flashback-

I felt cold. "It's getting dark now,I should hurry home"

*kriing, kriiing, kriiing* the phone was ringing

I flipped on a switch beside my headphone that answered the call.


"Shu, it's Ayase, where are you?"

'Ayase sounds a little bit worried

"I'm heading home now. Why?"

"Did you forget!? It's Hare's birthday today!! Remember? Where are you anyway?!!!"

"No I didn't, how could I forget Hare's birthday? Well,I'm almost at the park. I'm coming home right away-"

"At the park?! I'll pick you up!! Don't Move! " *beep*

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