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After Shu injected himself with the Void Genome. He felt the pain of the needle being strucked deep in him. He felt the slow cold flow of the Void Genome as it entered inside him.

Nothing happened, I was too late. There's nothing I can do now. I can't save Inori anymore.

I remember my dream,on how Inori looked helpess, she asked me for my help,to set her free but now, I've failed her.

Inori, atleast we can be together in my dreams.

Shu closed his dead,sightless eyes.And with that, the Crystals had already covered him. Shu lost consciousness as he passed out.

Shu woke up in a place, a place filled with nothing except that all he could see was bright white. He was floating in a bright white space of nothingness.


its Inori's voice. I knew she's be here with me! I can finally be with her. He thought, with a wide smile plastered in his face

"Where are you!?"

"Shu" Shu quickly looked around for any figure of Inori.

"Shu, over here"

Then Shu turned around,and faced up at the floating being,just infront of him. He saw a person thats exactly like Inori. She looked like Inori,..but...he couldn't clearly see her face, because she was facing down with her bangs covering half of her face. But Shu was certain,that she's Inori

"Shu, It seems that you're here to save me,I'm so glad" she said in a happy tone as she still faced down

"I'm happy too" Shu said as he tried to hold back the tears if joy that he kept. He couldn't believe what he saw.

"Shu,I know we've only met for known each other for a short time but,.. I love you so much Shu. I have always loved you, not because someone inside me says so, but because, I feel that I really love you...." she covered her face with her hands as she wiped away the tears in her eyes. "Shu...I love you, I hope you feel the same way. I may not be the person you truly love..." she paused

What? But, I do love you Inori, I truly love you with all my heart..and I want to be with you...

"...but I will be the person that is willing to give my soul just for your happiness" she continued.

"I love you too, and I am also willing to sacrifice myself for you..because I really love you!" Tears had filled Shu's eyes as he said those.

She slightly chuckled after hearing that. And Shu had seen her bitter smile,. She's in pain.

"Tell me Shu? you really love me!? do you really love me for who I am?? Or ,just because you're clouded by loneliness, you only love me because you see 'Her' in me??" -she asked as she showed him a painful bitter smile.

"Why are you saying this? I don't see you in anybody else. You are the only girl I see. The only girl in my Heart. Yes, I love you,..with all my heart and soul! I love you!!" -Shu said without a doubt

Shu, I often hear you say my name. Do you really love me for who I am? Or do you love me because you see me in Her. She bitterly thought to herself,hoping to hear an answer she wanted.

"Then tell me,.Shu...tell name" -she bitterly smiled as tears runned down from her cheeks, as her bangs had covered her crying eyes,still hiding her face from Shu.

"I love you, my dearest Inori!!" -Shu said outloud that echoed in the entire white space where they floated.

I am Iona.

After she heard what he had said, she felt her whole world crumble, and her heart smashed to pieces as pain creeped in her heart.

She looked up at Shu and smiled ever so sweetly, showing her face filled with pain.

"You..I-Inori?" Shu muttered as he tried to reach for her.

Then white wings appeared on her. Those sparkling white wings that spread widely as she flew backwards, away from Shu. Until she was totally swallowed by light.

and with that, just like what had happened before, when he attained the Power of the kings.

Something in Shu change, like he was hit in the head with something that made his eyes feel different. He was floating in that empty white space, as chains,of metallic like voids circled around him. He saw those metallic chains, wring around on his left mechanical arm, then suddenly, just like magic, his mechanical arm flashed bright white, his artificial mech arm turned into a normal human arm. His arm came back.

Shu was happy and surprised as he couldn't believe what he had seen. He moveed his arm and shook his hand to see if it was really real. And it was. Tears filled his feace as he was filled with happiness.

But, he stopped when he saw those chains, tightly wrapped around his arm to his hand. It brought him pain, as a mark appeared on the front of his hand, the mark that signified the Power of the Kings.

He felt his insides burn hot,as it caused him an immense pain all around his body.

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