Chapter 26 - I'll Take Care of You

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Even though I'm no longer working at the sushi restaurant, I still have a lot of work on my hands. Jessica Crawford offered me a full-time job as Thomas's babysitter and of course I accepted it. She pays me a lot and I really enjoy being around Thomas. He's a really good kid and I feel like he's the brother I never had.

But there are downsides to having a full-time job; especially one where you have to take care of someone else. I rarely have time to study or do homework. Most times I have to cram in my studying once I put Thomas to sleep or early in the morning before school.

I was tired and stressed. Most nights when I'm studying at Thomas's house, James will offer to help me. Even with his help, I still have a lot of work on my hands.

"Scarlett? Hello?" Thomas tugged on my jacket sleeve.

I blinked. "Was I zoned out?"

He nodded.

I sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm just really tired."

Thomas tried to comfort me by patting my back. It was really sweet of him. "Do you want to go back home? We can just watch a movie."

"No, it's okay. I know how much you love the park. Go play with your friends."

He looked at me with concern, but nonetheless followed my order. "Okay! Thanks, Scarlett!" He ran off to the playground where his two friends were sliding down the slide.

I rubbed my eyes and took a sip of my coffee which was waking me up slowly. Then I opened up my math book and started taking notes because I have a test in two days that I still haven't studied for.

My studying was cut short when I couldn't help but over hear a couple fighting only a few feet away from me.

"Are you fucking serious, Tyler?!" The woman hissed.

I pulled some hair back behind my ear and listened as I pretended to take notes.

"I was drunk, Vanessa! I didn't mean to sleep with her."

"Drunk or not drunk, you should know what's right from wrong. I don't think you know badly you've hurt me." The woman sounded in pain. I could hear her voice thicken as she held back tears.

"I understand. I won't ever do it again," he grabbed her hand and put it in his.

I rolled my eyes. Such a lame response. If she forgave him, he was going to do it again.

"Fuck you, Tyler. We're done." The girl walked away with power.

I wanted to stand up and applaud her like the queen she was. I didn't know the full back story, but cheating is cheating, he shouldn't get a second chance.

When she walked away, the man stuck his middle finger up at her and stormed off. I snickered under my breath at his childish act.

Watching them fight made me realize how much I don't ever want to fall in love. Love is cruel, and people are fools to fall for it. And trust me, it never ends in happily ever after.



It was around 6:00pm when Thomas and I got home from the park. I cooked him and I some pasta for dinner.

As we were eating dinner, Thomas made the decision that he wanted to watch 'The Incredibles'. His favorite character was obviously Mr. Incredible.

"Watch Scarlett, as Mr. Incredible defeats the villain!" Thomas squealed as he pointed at the screen.

I took a bite of my pasta. "Wow-''

Her Guarded HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora