Cat & Dog (Part 2) - TXT x reader

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"Are you guys... TXT?"

"...I'm scared..." You heard one of them say. "Oh no, no, no don't be scared, it's me, let me go get you guys some clothes." You said before leaving to get some clothes in your room. You looked through your closet hastily trying to get the biggest clothes you had, from what you remember they were quite tall. It actually works...

"Okay guys here are some clothes, put them on.." You said covering your eyes with your hands once again, out stretching your hand with the clothes in. "Are you guys done..?" You heard some shuffling then a soft voice say "Yes... I think..." You slowly removed your hands from your face and stared at the tall boys. You could instantly tell who Hueningkai and Beomgyu were because they still had their collars on. Hueningkai was the second tallest, he wore a blue collar shirt and some checkerd pants, he had brown hair, you imagined him with white hair because of his white fur. Beomgyu wore a blue outfit and had light brown fluffy hair that resembled his fur a lot.

You couldn't tell apart who the other 3 boys were so you just stood there staring trying to figure them out. "Uhh... you're Beomgyu and you're Hueningkai." you said looking at the confused boys, you stared at one of the unknown boys. He had grey hair and wore a dark grey striped shirt and shorts with a white shirt underneath. "...Yeonjun..?" You said looking at the boy he nodded quickly and smiled. You smiled back before looking back at the other 2 boys.

One was really tall, had brown hair and wore a blue outfit with a shirt underneath, the other had dark brown hair, he wore a white shirt and some jeans, he looked the least troubled of all the boys. "Taehyun and Soobin" You looking from the unbothered boy to the tall, terrified boy. "...I'm scared.." Soobin said with tears in his eyes, it was the same voice from before. "No, no don't be scared uhhh... have a seat I'll get you something to eat..."

You got out some cookies and 5 cups of milk before quickly looking through the garbage can to look at the plastic wrapper of the paste. Huh.. 24 hours? I should probably take them somewhere.

"Okay guys, eat up, we'll be going somewhere! Here are some shoes you can wear." You said with a bright smile, pointing at the 5 pairs of shoes that sat on the ground in an untidy way. RINNNG. Your boss was calling you, aish. You cleared your throat, preparing to act your heart out, you answered the phone with a groan. "Where are you?!" "Ah, *cough cough, I'm afraid I can't come to work, *sniffle, I have a cold." "It sounds pretty serious, I'll let you off till Monday, take some rest, okay?" "Yes, yes, thank you *cough cough, goodbye" You said before cutting the call. "Huh.. that actually worked?"

"Who was that?" Yeonjun asked shoving a cookie in his mouth. "Just my boss, hehe..." You said smiling, scratching the back of your head. "Where do you guys wanna go? The amusement park? The circus (where we all belong 😭)? Or the movies?" You asked brightly. You guys ended up deciding on the movies.


You guys spent the whole day together and it was now time to sleep. You went to the movies but ended up getting kicked out because of Beomgyu and Hueningkai being loud, the amusement park was where most of the day was spent. You rode roller coasters and found out many different things about the boy's.

Hueningkai loved plushies, Beomgyu loved being surrounded by people, Soobin was afraid of everything and Yeonjun enjoyed candy (I took this all out of my ass) but Taehyun was still quiet. He seemed annoyed and irritated by everything, you felt bad for yourself. Does he not like me? You huffed out sadly before turning to look at the sleeping boy's. I'll only have 2 hours with them tomorrow before they transform back.


You woke up early, preparing some breakfast for you and the boys, only an hour left. You sighed as you gave the boys their breakfast. "What's wrong?" Beomgyu asked with a confused expression on his face. "It's- It's just that you guys are gonna go back to being animals and I- I won't have friends anymore.." Beomgyu got up from the chair he was sitting on and gave you a hug. "Even though we might not talk anymore, we'll still be your friends, right guys?" Beomgyu asked before getting muffled "Yeah! Yes"'s You smiled a little.

"I'm curious though, why did we transform?" Hueningkai asked shoving a big piece of pancake in his mouth. "Well... There was this packet at the pet store that said "human for 24 hours"..." You explained everything to the boy's. The time had come, there was like 5 minutes left. You were balling your eyes out. "I- I love you g- guys" You said giving them bone crushing hugs.

You were hesitant to hug Taehyun, you stood in front of him, 2 minutes. "Do you hate me?" You said, sniffing. "I- what...?" "Do you hate me?" After silence that sounded like forever he finally answered. "... No." You smiled before tackling him into a suffocating hug. "That's all I needed to know." You sniffed, smiling into his shoulder.

In no time everyone disappeared and were back into their animal forms. The clothes just piled up onto the floor and your pets crawled out from the pile. You smiled petting each and every one of them. "I love you guys."


I didn't know how to continue eugh so enjoy this crap, I wrote this at like 1 am have mercy please. 😔

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