Love Talk - Yeontae

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Note: Bold means Mandarin

Yeonjun stood at the airport, uninterested with a cardboard box with the name "Taehyun" written on it in a very untidy hand writing. Taehyun was Yeonjun's mother's best friend's son, he grew up in China speaking Mandarin but he had to move to Korea for College and Yeonjun's mother insisted that he lived with her and her family. Problem was that Taehyun isn't very good at Korean and is still learning, he can understand most the language but he can't speak it very well.

Taehyun stood at the top of the escalator, he saw a blonde haired boy with a cardboard box that had his name on, he took a big breath in stepping down onto the escalator and once he reached the bottom he slicked his red hair back and let out a shy awkward smile walking towards the blonde boy. "Uh.. I'm Taehyun and you must be Yeonjun?" Taehyun said with a little accent to his korean. Yeonjun looked up to the red haired boy. "Yeahhh, nice to meet you." Yeonjun said putting his hand out for Taehyun to shake.


Taehyun sat in his shared room with the blonde and looked around. It was a medium sized room with turquoise walls, it was tidy and felt super cozy. He looked over to the blonde who was sitting on his bed with headphones, Taehyun figured he was listening to music cause the boy occasionally hummed. He noticed that Yeonjun had multiple posters of different bands and music groups, Taehyun could see that the boy had something for music. There were multiple instruments that were by the boy's side of the room, they were put in a neat and careful way.

Taehyun had a thing for music too, he wanted to start a conversation with the blonde but he didn't want to interrupt and annoy Yeonjun. Taehyun stared at the guitar that stood against the wall. "Can you play it?" Yeonjun asked breaking Taehyun out of his day dream. "Uh.. uh.. what?" "Can you play it?" Taehyun eyes widened, "You can speak Mandarin?" He asked the boy. "Well, yes." Yeonjun said with a little smile.
"So can you?" Yeonjun asked again, Taehyun nodded.

Yeonjun got up from his bed and took the big, brown guitar and passed it to the smaller boy. "Play something for me.." Yeonjun says softly,Taehyun took the guitar and started playing his favourite song, 'Instagram' by Dean. He looked at the blonde and saw him smiling softly. Taehyun got the confidence and started singing. He could hear Yeonjun softly singing too. He smiled a bit to himself.

"You're good at it, singing... and guitar too" Yeonjun said smiling at the boy. Taehyun bowed "Thank you." He said in korean. "Do you want me to be your korean tutor, you still have a few weeks before... ya know." Taehyun nodded. "Thank you..." He said softly to Yeonjun. The blonde boy smiled, "I see that you have the basics."


A few weeks have passed and Taehyun has improved on his korean a lot. College has started too so he was more busy nowadays then before. Yeonjun talks to him in korean to help him get used to the language. When they aren't studying korean together Taehyun still talks Mandarin to the boy.

"I'm so tired." Taehyun said as he dropped himself onto his soft bed. "What happened?" Yeonjun asked the red head. "I was supposed to go to a support group for foreigners but i had some extra work to do at school so when I finally finished I ran all the way there but guess what? It was over by the time I got there now it's too late to sign up for the support group ugghhh" Taehyun said into his pillow, he could hear Yeonjun's little laugh and he felt his cheeks warm up.

"Why do you need a support group? I'll always be here for you..." Yeonjun said in genuine tone. Taehyun got up from his bed and looked at Yeonjun. "Really...?" Taehyun asked with his cheeks a bit red, Yeonjun smiled and nodded before he put his big hand on the boy's smaller one. "Always." Yeonjun pulled the smaller boy into his embrace. "Thank you for everything." Taehyun said.

I know you don't speak my language but I love the way you're talking to me.


I tried making Love talk wholesome also idk how support groups work 💀

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