My Treasure-Atem Baby Daddy -Yu-Gi-Oh

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This story is so old 🤣. So forgive me if I made errors.

How they met
"Hey!" yelled a store keeper.

A young child at the age of six with short legs was running away from the store keeper as the store keeper ran after the child. Soon the person collided with something and was going to fall back until a hand was placed behind them. The person looked up and noticed a young woman with beautiful long dark brown hair that ended right below her bottom and a beautiful long full length flax material strapless dress with single gold pieces covering her chest, arms and her wrist looking down at him as she smile.

"You shouldn't take what isn't yours," you said as you kneeled down to the child's level and reached your hand out "Give it to me."

The child placed it in your hands as you smiled and gave it to the store keeper as he caught his breath and took the bread from your hands.

"Here is also a pay for what he took," you said giving him some money to pay for the bread "I hope that this little incident doesn't go to the pharaoh."

"I-I'll let him slide for today, but any how I see him stealing from me again then that's it!" yelled the store keeper

"It will not happen again, I assure you," you said bowing towards the store keeper along with the kid as he followed in your lead.

"You know we could sweeten the deal if you allow me to –where did she go?" the store keeper said as he looked around to see that you were nowhere in sight but the boy was walking away.

The boy turned the corner to see that you was holding the wall and breathing heavily from the run you just did. That guy never knew the signs of no when it came to him. Every time I rescue someone from stealing from him he always tried to get me to go and hang out with him so he can try to marry me.

"Make way the new Pharaoh comes!" yelled some of the royal guards.

"Oh great, another clearing for the Pharaoh's royal carriage again!" yelled the kid.

"Shhs... "You said placing your hand over his mouth as you both bowed down towards the presence of the Pharaoh's carriage.

"Please stop," said a deep yet authoritative voice.

You looking towards the ground with your eyes close prayed that the boy, whose name by the way was Gyasi, didn't say anything in hearing range of the Pharaoh, his priests or the guards.

"Please," said the same deep voice as if it was right in front of you "I would like to see your face."

You still didn't move but you knew he was near you. You thought that he could be talking to a woman that happened to be right next to you bowing. However, it was clear that he was talking towards you when you felt a hand brush some of your hair from your face. You opened your eyes to see such a handsome gentleman with bronze-sun kissed skin, black hair which spiked out in five different directions and had red tips with beautiful blond bangs fell around his face looking towards you with his passionate beautiful violet eyes. You blushed at the sight of him and then bowed back down and realized that it was the Pharaoh

"You're so beautiful," said the Pharaoh "Please, you don't have to bow towards me."

"T-That would be disrespectful if I didn't bow down before his majesty," you replied.

"But I am giving you permission to not bow down before me," said the Pharaoh.

"Then I rather you take it back my Pharaoh, I would like to be treated as every other civilian here in your city," you replied "My apologies."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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