Something New-Zane Truesdale (Part 1 of 3)

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"I can't be late! I have to be there on time" you thought  as you were speeding through the streets of Domino City. You were trying to beat the clock but due to unfortunate circumstances you were almost late.

You ran through the doors and noticed the amount of duels that were going on right now. At the nick of time. However, she realized how many individual were playing which enticed her more. So many strategies and combos intrigued her.

"Make sure to keep your head level Sava," muttered a voice. You turned to see your spirit monster: The Dark Magician of Black Chaos.

"Of course," she thought with a smirk "I have faith in this deck and you on my side, my streak of winning will never flunk."

"Sava Moto, please report to the dueling arena." a proctor said as she smiled and placed her hands in her pocket and walked down in her usual hunched over stance, and hoodie over her head. 

"N-No way! They did say that the King of Games little sister was going to join the school!" yelled a student.

"Oh my god! This is gonna be an awesome match!" yelled another student.

"Seems that you have gotten yourself a crowd for this match," your Dark Magician of Black Chaos stated.

"Not really surprised..." you thought "When that last name hits the air of these streets, it tends to plague those around."

You pulled out your dueling deck and looked at it and smiled knowing that this deck will help you closer towards your goal. You walked down onto the duel field.

A professor, a man in a purple jacket, had sunglasses was waiting for her.

"Are you ready for your test?" he asked.

"S-" she started until interrupted. 

"Stop this match!" yelled a voice.

Everyone in shock looked around and gasped at who just walked through the doors. Seto Kaiba, the owner of this school.

"M-Mr Kaiba," said the proctor.

"Give me your dueling disk." he said quick to the point "If she is going to be entering this academy, then I want to give her a proper exam. I know that none of you professor will ever give it to her."

"O-Of course sure," muttered the proctor passing along his duel disk.

"Sava Moto." Kaiba stated.

"To what do I owe this honor, Seto," you replied loading your deck into your duel disk "Don't tell me that my brother sent for you."

"As if I would listen to the dork." Seto replied back while activating his duel disk "This is more of a fair fight, we both know that you don't belong as first-year student, it is to determine if you will advance to becoming a third-year student."

"Fine, I guess this will bring back some good memories when you had to duel my brother for stealing my grandfather card." you said laughing as you pulled back your hoodie revealing your long dark brown hair with large hoops. 

Fields of whistles came from all around the crowd, mostly males. 

"She is hot!" yelled one from the stands.

"Ready Seto," you started as you loaded your duel disk. "It's time to duel!"

"Duel!" you both yelled.

"Ladies first," said Seto.

"Such a gentleman," you said, "Let's change the scenery. I activate the field spell: Symmetry."

The field changed around to a high-tech abandoned street. (Similar to the settings such as B who I want 2 B)

"I still will never know how you can hold such foolish cards and know how to beat your opponent."

"Because I have lots of fun and I believe that my cards will guide me well." you replied placing your headphones on and closing your eyes "Now shall we move on..."

(FF...Ending duel)

"And now Seto, I summon my Dark Magician of Black Chaos!" you yelled as everyone cheered.

"Her Ace card!" yelled a person from the stands.

"I-It's not weakened my blue eyes ultimate dragon..." Seto started as he panicked.

"Dark Magician of Black Chaos, attack!" you yelled as he obliged and blew Seto off his feet. 

The crowd roared and cheered as you smiled and deactivated your duel disk once you bowed towards your card as he bowed back and disappeared.

"Well Seto, I believe that is game." you said opening your eyes and taking your headphones off as you saw Seto fall to the ground with a proud smirk on his face.

"I do believe you deserve to attend this academy as a third-year student, rather than as a first year." Seto muttered. "It truly does run in the family."

You laughed "When it comes to looks, that is the only place where he and I differ, my hair is normal pigment."

The crowd was cheering in buzz and excitement from the awesome duel. The rush of adrenaline pumped through their veins. I feel as if this would be a good year knowing that people will have the rush going through their body especially with me on their campus. You looked around and noticed someone you wished you never saw in the first place.



"I guess our past will meet today's present..."

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