Old Rivals, New Lovers-(Inuyasha)-Sesshomaru Baby Daddy

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Name: Yuki Kazahana

Species: Dog Demon (though at night you can be confused as a human with a very strong romantic scent)

Age: 400 (18 in appearance)

Weapon: Chakrams (circular and red, with silver spikes and circles around the edges, and two black handles shaped like crosses in the middle. Each Chakram has eight spikes –exactly like Axel's from Kingdom hearts)

Before it happened
"Darkness rules your heart my beautiful snow, it gives me control, once that had obeyed you now rebels against you, and I can help you. So come with me."

"Naraku, I know that you lust for me, and I am here to tell you that I do not need your help, in fact, I don't recall ever coming to you for help." you said "Besides, it is still heart I will not allow you to help me control it, in fact one day you will be shown the door and when that happens I will be there to watch."

"You are only battling yourself, but i am a patient man when it comes to being with you, so we can take as long as we have to negotiate." Naraku said chuckling evilly.

"Hm..." you said as you opened your eyes and continued to walk through the forest of Inuyasha at the night. Until a sudden noise came from behind you.

You turned around to see a man with black hairred garments consisting ofjacket with "separated" sleeves, kosode (shirt), hakama (pants) bloused at the ankles and obi (belt).

"What are you doing here? It is dangerous around here."

"I can say the same for you, but you're not human...but you appear to be one," you said.

"I can say the same for you, if anything you reek of demonic aura, but your aura is more pleasant, why?"

"I am a full-blooded dog demon," you said looking towards him as plain as day "Please call me Yuki, who may you be?"

"Inuyasha," he replied as he walked next to you and began to look at you up and down "If you are a dog demon, then why do you appear human?"

"Something from my past happened that made me like this," you said "I can't tell you just yet, but it seems that someone is coming in this direction."

"Kikyo," Inuyasha muttered.

"Maybe I will see you some time, Inuyasha," you said as I continued to walk away from him.


It has been about fifty-years since that day and now you began to reminisce on it. Why? Nothing special happened since then, expects for Naraku's persistence on trying to recruiting me as one of his minions as well as trying to be his mate. All demon males are the same; they want what is best and will do anything to try to impress the female that he is the best.

"Hey Yuki, look at what I found!" yelled a little boy withshorter, lighter hair and light blue eyes which was rare here.

You turned your head and smiled to see him showing you a conch shell. You smiled and took the shell from him and punctured a hole into it and pulled out a small pearl from the shell and gave it to the boy.

"See, Fuyu, this shell, is call a conch shell and it looks like you found the one that actually has pearls, you should hold on to it." you said

"Yuki, why are you sitting here by yourself?" asked Fuyu.

"Well, Fuyu, I can tell you that this is my second time on these shores. I have been around these parts for a long time and gained a name around this entire region. But unfortunately, unlike the first time, my brother is not here to be with me."

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