Chapter 58: The Awakening

Start from the beginning

A guy in black cloak suddenly rose from a pile of debris and aimed his hands at Ike and RB. A faint blue barrier appeared to shield them from the incoming attack, but the barrier eventually dissolved into smoke as Ezekiel himself collapsed on the ground. Even the very last ounce of his strength wasn't enough to protect the two Primes.

Two portals appeared to shield Ike and RB, but the vortices of white light quivered before closing with a loud crack. Professor Elena, currently underneath a huge pile of collapsed walls, tried to teleport the two away. However, her bleeding hands fell limp and motionless in front of her, and the Temporal Weirdo moved no more.

Serafina didn't even bother looking at the Evanescas.

The lady in black expected Ike and RB to do a last-ditch attempt to protect themselves. To her surprise, however, they weren't even paying attention to her. The blast separated the two apart, and now they are trying to crawl towards each other despite their gruesome injuries and weakened bodies. Their eyes were locked onto each other, ignoring everything and everyone around them.

Serafina stopped in her tracks, her spheres of darkness suddenly fading into faint wisps of black smoke as she remembered an exact same scene from her own past.

Ike and RB looked like they're in agony, their bloody faces grimacing with their every move. Still, their eyes never left each other's face as they crawled towards each other. After what it seemed to be ages, they finally reached other. Ike extended a bleeding hand towards RB who placed his over Ike's. Their bloody hands locked together as Ike smiled at his partner.

"We still have each other," Ike whispered, his voice barely audible.

RB smiled back, but something in his purple eyes seemed to fade away together with his smile. The hand holding Ike's suddenly slackened, and RB's outstretched arm fell motionless on the ground along with his limp head.

Ike's eyes widened in shock as before tugging RB's hand. "RB. . . Hey, RB. . ."

Mustering what was remaining of his strength, Ike pulled himself into a sitting position before cradling RB in his arms. Upon turning his body, Ike immediately saw an amethyst shard stuck on RB's chest. Tears fell from his eyes as he held RB's hand tightly.

"RB. . . Hey. . . Wake up. . ." Ike said as he shook RB gently. Even his own was shaking. "This isn't funny. . ."

Still nothing.

"I thought we're going to stay together until the end?" Ike asked as he finally permitted himself to cry without any reserve. "We're still going to finish our studies and get jobs. You're still going to live with me in the farm. I thought we're going to build our own family? You made a promise to me. You can't leave me here. . . I need you. . . Please stay with me. . ."

Ike's cries echoed sadly all over the school grounds, and the fallen people scattered everywhere just bowed their heads or cried. The sky has finally cleared up, illuminating the entire place with a lonely glow from the moon.

Several meters from the two, Serafina is currently watching them, her eyes wide open and glistening with tears. The sight in front of her triggered her memories, and her entire past flashed in front of her in quick succession; from her family, her old friends, Esmerelda, her adventures with Jaeron, before abruptly ending in the incident that took the life of the person who changed her life forever.

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