Chapter 9: Spatiokinesis

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•~Third Person View~•

As Izone was back on the path, they all were talking with their 'partners' which we all know are their soon-to-be-wives.

As they were talking, Nako then shushed them and stopped.

They all immidiately stopped walking and talking while and turned to Nako.

The members were now all in a good shape so everyone will be good enough to fight so they all got ready.

They all summoned their main weapons.

As the seconds passed by, so one heard anything.

So Yena became impatient but before she could say anything, Nako beat her to it "Get Ready! There are hundreds surrounding us! North has shadows only."

So they all went into position.

The other 10 members were all distributed to West, East and South while the cousins were waiting at North.

They all readied their weapons and after a few seconds passed by, Ruoge a.k.a Dark Magians begins to appear while at the North, more than thousands of Shadows appeared.

It was clear that whoever sent this, know tha capability of Izone and want them either dead or captured.

As they all prepared, the shadows and the magians all ran towards Izone.


As they split up, Eunbi, Wonyoung and Nako stayed in the middle so they can assist the others.

Nako was supporting their powers to make it more powerful while Eunbi makes a barrier around them that can only make them go in and out.

While Wonyoung just stayed alert if anyone need any help since she's the healer.

In the south was Minju and Yuri.

Yuri made sure to soften the land that the magians were walking on so they all were having a hard time walking and running.

While Minju made a Lightning Bow that can kill anyone within a few meter radius from where the arrow landed.

It will electricute anything in it's way that has more than 100 Million Volts and can produce more than 100 Amps.

(If you're wondering why I put amps, search it on google. But apparently 1 amp can be lethal.)

Anyone who touches that will be more than burnt to crisps.

At the East part is Chaeyeon and Sakura.

Chaeyeon is trying to hold off the Magians by using her air power.

But then Sakura thought of an idea.

"Chaeyeon, blast them with just wind."

"Why? That can barely do anything."

"Just trust me."

Chaeyeon nodded at the older and did what she was told.

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