Chapter 7: The Journey Begins!

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•~Third Person View~•

As the alarms set off, the sun is yet to rise. They all moved quickly to not be late at call time.

They all went to the gate for the start of the mission.

As Izone set a foot out of the protection barrier, the adventure begins.


They then walked for about 8 hours until they reached the foot of the mountain.

They all sttled down and others slept while Minju is set to watch.

3 Hours into the watch, Minju noticed somthing odd a few meters from where they were.

As soon as she approached it, she got shot on the foot with an arrow.

She screamed for help and Wonyoung and Chaewon the came to help.

The other awoke a few seconds after they ran to Minju.

Eunbi and Chaeyeon scanned the surroundings trying to find where the arrow came from but to no luck avail, they couldn't find anything.

Wonyoung then pulled the arrow from Minju's pale foot. She then tried to heal it but it would take a while because of a poison that went into Minju's system.

While Chaewon on the other hand, is staring and caressing Minju's pale face with her thumb and cupping her cheeks.

Chaewon then tried to keep Minju awake, while Minju's trying so hard to not give in and focus onto the older's voice.

A few minutes went by and the poison was finally out and the foot was now healed.

Minju then passed out from blood loss and the painful sensation.

Chaewon then carried Minju bridal style with a worried face and then she left without a word continuing the adventure.


A few hours of more walking, they finally reached half way of the mountain.

They all rested a little.

A few were sleeping while others ate some food.

While the others were busy, Sakura didn't feel that good.

She felt colder and colder by the second.

Chaeyeon, seating closest to Sakura approached the girl.

She saw Sakura shivering while trying to use her powers to warm her body.

Chaeyeon noticed that everytime the older exhaled, a thick cloud of steam went out of the older's mouth and nose.

She then went beside her immidiately.

She was worried so she touched the older but quickly retrieved her hands like she was burnt.

Actually, it was the opposite of burnt, she felt so cold. Sakura was unusally hot because of her powers so she felt very worried and uneasy.

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