"It was your plan," Kai reminded him as he tightened the zip ties.

"All the more reason to think it's a terrible idea."

Humor shone in Kai's eyes. "I trust you," she told him and she absolutely did.

John sighed as warmth flooded his chest. "Yeah I know," he said and he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"The ties aren't tight enough," Kai said when he took a step back.

John stared down at her and shook his head before he turned to Beckett with the other zip tie. Kai snorted and lifted her bound wrists to her mouth, she grabbed the end of the zip tie in her teeth and tugged it tighter. They were only going to have one chance at this.


John stared into the smoldering flames, hating every minute of this plan. Kai and Beckett were both sitting side by side across the fire. Their hands bound in front of them. John pushed himself up to his feet and paced restlessly. Kai's eyes followed his movements. He hated turning her back over to Lucius, but it was their only play. He had just turned to pace back again when he heard the distinct sound of Ronon's gun powering up behind him.

The cold metal of the gun pressed against the back of John's head. "Don't move," Ronon growled.

Teyla stepped out of the woods. Her eyes scanned over Beckett and Kai who were sitting together with their hands in front of them. Convinced they were not a threat she turned her gun on Sheppard as well.

"That thing's set to stun right?" John joked.

"Yeah," Ronon growled.

"Good," John said with a nod and he made a move to attack Ronon. The stunner shot hit him square in the chest and he dropped.

"What did you shoot him for?" Rodney exclaimed stepping out of the woods. Kai's eyes flickered to McKay wondering if maybe he hadn't been as affected as they thought. The scientist crossed his arms over his chest grumpily. "Now we're going to have to carry him all the way back to the jumper," he complained.

"Carson are you all right?" Teyla asked, pulling a knife to cut him free.

"I will be once I get back to Lucius."

Ronon crouched in front of Kai. She held her hands up to him expectantly, and he cut her free. "Did he hurt you?" Ronon asked, his brow wrinkled in concern.

Kai shook her head. "No," she swallowed and forced the next words out. "Is Lucius all right?" she gushed, her voice sounding desperate.

Teyla turned away from Carson to approach Kai. "Yes, he is very anxious for your return," Teyla told her with a warm smile.

"Then let's hurry," Kai agreed, she made a point of stepping over John's body without looking down at him. She ground her teeth together, but had to trust in the plan.


The flight back to the city was tense and silent. McKay happily handed over the controls of the jumper and Kai flew them back as though she were desperate to return to the city. As she flew she was all too aware of the fact that Sheppard was unconscious and vulnerable in the back of the jumper. She felt that like a weight in her chest. If this plan didn't work, she was flying them right back into the hands of their enemy.

Kai set the jumper down in the bay and as soon as the ramp lowered Lucius and Weir rushed aboard.

"Lucius!" Carson exclaimed in delight.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now