Chapter 5

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Aang, Appa, and Momo finally arrived at Omashu after a few days of traveling. The citizens of the kingdom cheered when they saw them land in the city, the Avatar's presence was just as a big deal here as it was everywhere else. Aang wasn't sure if he would ever get used to all the love and praise he had been receiving since ending the war. Not wanting to be rude, he waved at the citizens.

Bumi came out of his palace with his royal guards at his side. Aang felt a surge of joy as he saw his old friend walk up to him. He jumped off Appa's head and the two friends hugged it out.

"It's always good to see you Aang.", Bumi finally said.

"Likewise, Bumi", the air bender replied. The two friends broke off the hug and Bumi turned to face the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The savior of the world, AVATAR AANG!", he addressed the crowd, holding Aang's arm up.

The crowd cheered, the air bender blushed, still not used to this kind of attention. The two friends turned and walk to the palace with the royal guards waking behind them while Appa and Momo were led to the stables.

"You didn't have to announce my presence here like that.", Aang said.

"You deserve it after all that you've done for the world", Bumi replied.

"I was only fulfilling my duty as the Avatar. Besides it's not like I did it all by myself, I never would have been able to end the war without my friends."

"I swear Aang, you're just too modest. But its one of the many things that I like about you."

The palace doors closed as soon as Aang and Bumi entered the building. The king led his friend to the dinner table. The table was filled with freshly made food that suited Aang's vegan diet. The two friends sat down and continued their conversation.

"I didn't think that you would be traveling alone. I at least expected your friends to come along with you, especially Toph. She and I still have a score to settle after all.", Bumi said as he took a bite of his chicken drumstick.

"I just need some time to myself. Ever since I woke up from the iceberg, I was always with my friends, so I never really had time to myself.", the air bender replied then sipped some juice.


"And what?"

"Aang you're an extrovert so I know that there has to be more to why you are traveling by yourself.", Bumi knew Aang well and figured there had to be another reason as to why his friends weren't with him. The air bender sighed; he was going to have to tell Bumi the truth.

"I just needed to get away from someone in particular...", Aang said, looking down at his food.

"The water bending girl, Katara I believe her name was."

"How did you know?", Aang looked back at Bumi with a surprised look on his face.

"Who else would it be?", Bumi chuckled, "If it was any of your other friends then I'm sure whatever issue you had with them, you would have settled it. But in her case it's different isn't it?", Bumi answered

'Guess there's no point in avoiding telling him', the air bender thought to himself. He took a breath and told Bumi everything. The king listened intently to everything Aang was telling him and felt a great sadness for his friend. While everyone was celebrating the end of the war, his best friend was dealing with a broken heart.

"I already had a feeling that you liked her, but I didn't think that you were in love with her.", he finally said after Aang finished talking.

"It started as a crush when I woke up in her arms but in the time that we've spent together, I fell for her.", Aang admitted. It didn't surprise him that Bumi knew about Aang's feelings toward Katara, despite coming off as a crazy old man, Bumi had always been observant.

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