Chapter 31

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Back at Iroh's home, Zuko finished boiling his jasmine tea. He made sure to follow the recipe his uncle gave him. The fire bender had already gone through his letters from his advisors in the fire nation, informing him of the current events in Caldera during his absence. It wouldn't be long until he needed to go back home. His nation needed him there after all, but Zuko did not want to leave his uncle and friends yet. He especially did not want to leave without seeing Mai once more.

Ty Lee had promised to help him win back Mai's affection, but he would not know for sure if Mai would reciprocate his feelings. He pondered over what to do until he heard a knock at the front door. Placing the tea kettle on the kitchen counter, he went to open the door.

Pulling the door open, Zuko's eyes widened as he found Mai standing there with her arms crossed.

"Mai!" Zuko smiled.

"Fire Lord", Mai responded with a flat tone.

"Y-you're are you?" Zuko stammered as he tried to regain his composure.

"Fine. Is Aang here?"

"Oh um no he's not", Zuko frowned. He had hoped that she came to speak with him. "He's out with Katara."

"Of course he is", Mai groaned and threw her head back, "Came all this way just for him to be somewhere else."

"You came here to apologize to him right? For what happened between you two."

Mai glanced away, "that isn't your business to know."

"I believe it is considering you two were arguing about me", Zuko crossed his arms.

Mai narrowed her eyes at him, "even so, it doesn't mean I have to tell you anything."

"Okay fine" Zuko raised his hands up, "don't tell me. I still want to talk to you."

"I'm aware", she rolled her eyes, "Ty informed me already just how desperate you are."

"Then you know how serious I am. I love you and that will never change. I'll do whatever it takes for us to be together again."

"As you've said before during our last encounter...and Ty Lee already went out of her way to emphasize that to me."

"She did?" Zuko inquired.

"Yes. Somehow you and that meat loving idiot managed to convince her", Mai said with an annoyed tone, "but just because she believed you doesn't mean that I fully do. Your past actions speak louder than the words you speak."

The fire bender dropped his arms and clenched his fists. He had thought about what else he could do to show Mai just how willing he was to do anything for her. For Zuko, there was no task too big or too daunting to accomplish. Hence what he said next...

"Mai...I would give up being the fire lord if it meant that we could be together again."

Her mouth agape at his words until she recomposed herself and let out a scoff, "As if you would do something so reckless. The fire nation needs you to be its leader."

"And I need you Mai. I can't think straight without you by my side. I know I am being unreasonable, but I'll do anything for you. I stake my honor on that."

"Pfft", Mai scoffed again, "here you go again with your honor..."

Zuko grimaced when she turned her back to him and crossed her arms again. Thinking she was going to leave; he reached his hand out to her shoulder and stepped closer to her to close the space between them.

"All I ask you for is one shot to prove to you how serious I am about us. About you." He whispered into her ears. Mai pressed her nails on her arms after hearing his raspy voice so close to her. She immediately shrugged his hand off and moved away from Zuko.

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