Chapter 35

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Sitting in the dining area, Katara cradled a steaming cup of tea between her hands.

As she sipped the soothing brew, her thoughts were consumed by Aang. She thought of how joyful he was the last night only to end the night in tears. She worried for his sake. Through his sobbing, she managed to learn of the gravestones Aang had found in the forest.

After the confrontation with Aizo and his men, it was likely that Aang was more affected by the man's words and actions than he let on. Had she not followed him in the cave, Katara wondered if Aang would have gone as far as killing the man. She was surprised that he had not gone into the avatar state which was for the best. Katara didn't want to think of what Aang would have done had he lost control of himself. Even if Aizo did deserve it for his crimes, she wouldn't let the boy she loved cross that line.

Katara comforted him to the best of her abilities until the Airbender went into a drunken slumber. Somehow, she managed to carry him to his room and tuck him into bed. Before leaving him to sleep, Katara took one last look at his peaceful expression as he slept. It wasn't that long before the roles were reversed, and he was the one who had to take care of her.

She chuckled at the thought of it then cringed as she remembered kissing him with barf breath. Katara could only hope that he would never bring it up to her.

With a sigh, the water bender took another sip of tea, its warmth spreading through her body. Suki and Toph joined her in the dining area, feeling just as groggy as they were a couple of days ago. She smirked at the sight of them battling their hangovers.

"Good morning you two", Katara greeted with an over-the-top sweet tone.

"Wanna tone down your voice for me? I can hardly stand it with how much my head is pounding", Toph replied, annoyed.

"No", Katara denied the request and turned to Suki, "Is Sokka still sleeping?"

"Why are you asking me?"

Katara raised an eyebrow, "Because I saw you two go into his room. You two aren't exactly discreet you think."

"I-I...n-no you didn't", Suki stuttered as her face flushed.

"oh honey", Toph snorted, "unfortunately, we know how you and Snoozles get down. Just answer the question."

"Ugh fine...yeah he's still sleeping."

"Was that so hard to answer?" Katara smugly grinned.

"Oh shut it", Suki waved her off, "where's Aang?"

"Still sleeping last I checked", Katara answered.

"Who would have thought he would drink that much", Suki stated, "He was a party animal last night."

"I was hoping he would have gone into the avatar state drunk", Toph said as she cradled her head in her hands.

"Spirits sake Toph we should be glad he didn't", Katara scolded, "Aang...he saw something last night."

"What did he see?" Suki asked with a worried expression. Katara answered her with a retelling of what happened when she found the air bender.

"Poor Aang", Suki muttered.

"Makes me wish I could have given that Aizo guy a beating myself", Toph remarked.

"You and me both sister", Kano said as she took her seat next to Katara. Somehow to their surprise, she was perfectly fine for someone who drank plenty the night before.

"So how's my favorite air boy doing?" she asked Katara.

"He's still sleeping."

Kano had kept her eyes on Katara. Observing her with a calculating gaze and making the water bender nervous.

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