Chapter 25

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"I'm sorry Katara...I can't accept your feelings", Aang said softly. His words piercing through her like a dagger.

"I-I don't understand", Katara stuttered. He didn't dare look back at her. He wouldn't be able to handle seeing her hurt expression.

"I already told you that I don't love you anymore."

"You and I both know that isn't true! Sokka already blurted out the truth earlier", Katara cried out. Aang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

'That meat-obsessed monkey-feathering idiot!' Aang didn't like to think negatively of his friends, but Sokka had been getting on his nerves for the past twenty-four hours. From questioning his relationship with Kano, prompting a dance with Katara at the party, and now this.

"Your brother doesn't know what he's talking about", Aang muttered as he stepped further away from her. Katara caught his evasion tactic once more and rushed behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She pressed her face against the back of his neck.

"Katara!" Aang groaned. He attempted to pry her hands off him, but the water bender held on to him with a tight grip.

"No!" She cried out, "Please don't deny me Aang! I know that I made a terrible mistake, but I can't help how I feel. I love you!"

"Let go of me", Aang struggled.

"I won't!" Katara stood her ground and clenched tightly to his robes.

With no other choice left, Aang smashed his fist together and busted out a wave of air. The force pushing the water bender off and making her land on her rear. Katara immediately got back on her feet and reached out towards him. Aang pointed his glider staff at her and kept his distance.

"Don't come any closer!"

"Aang...I don't understand why—"

"And that's the problem!" He cried out, "What were you expecting from me Katara? Just accept whatever this is and forget what happened?"

"W-wwell yes—I mean no!" Katara stammered, "I'm just trying...I don't know like fix what's happened..."

Aang let out a deep sigh, "It isn't that simple. I just can't accept your feelings Katara."

"Why not?!"

"Because it was Zuko that had to point out your feelings!" Aang yelled and pulled back his staff, "I always knew exactly how I felt about you! I loved you for spirits sake and you've only realized your feelings after you broke my heart!"

Memories of his last night on Ember Island flooding his mind once more as he tore his gaze away from the water bender. Aang instinctively placed his hand on his chest where his heart was. His fingers clenched as if they were holding his heart, keeping it from shattering as he remembered seeing Katara and Zuko together.

"I made it clear to you how I felt..." He looked back at her with a grimace, "and you just acted like nothing happened and chose Zuko. Zuko...whom you had just barely forgiven for the things he did, and you ignored my feelings for him. After everything you and I have been through together..."

Tears began to glisten from Katara's eyes as she saw his expression, "I understand that I put you through so much pain Aang and I'm sorry...I truly am."

Aang dropped his hand from his chest, "I don't think you do understand."

"I do! I knew how you felt, and I was scared that I wouldn't feel the same for you. I knew what I did would hurt you, but I was blind and stupid", Katara crossed her arms in an effort to keep them still, "I regret it all."

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