Chapter 13

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Changed my mind so I'm updating the story now.

Katara stood on the deck of the fire nation cruise boat that was on route to the nearest port of Ba Sing Se. Her and Sokka had sailed for a week and were a couple of days away from their destination. She had been anxious to see Aang again and apologize for her behavior with him. Even after Sokka informed her of Aang's apology, Katara still believed that it was her fault for their fight. A part of her was still bitter at Aang's sudden departure two weeks after the war ended, but she understood why he left. Even if Aang had decided to tell her about his plan to leave, there wasn't anything she could have said to make him stay. He didn't see any other choice other than leaving and nothing was going to make him stay and watch her be with Zuko. She knew that for a fact now.

Katara also knew now what she needed to say for her apology, but she didn't know how she would deal with her feelings for the air bender. There wasn't a time where she didn't think about him ever since her break up with Zuko. Every time she closed her eyes Katara saw Aang's lopsided grin and heard his sweet voice ringing in her ears. She yearned for him now and wanted to hold him in her arms, never letting go of him. Although she now knew what she wanted, Katara wasn't sure if Aang would feel the same.

"I don't love you anymore Katara."

Those words hurt her then and hurt a lot more now that she realized how much Aang truly meant to her. Zuko had suggested that Aang could have lied about his feelings for her and Katara wanted to believe him but she was still unsure. She thought back to her last conversation with Zuko before departing from the fire nation with Sokka.

Day of departure

It was mid-morning when the three friends stood by at the port waiting for the cruise boat to finish preparations to sail. The weather was perfect with a clear blue sky and warm temperature. Zuko had luckily managed to squeeze some time away from his work to bid the water tribe sibling's farewell.

"So any idea on when you'll be coming to Ba Sing Se yet Zuko?" Sokka asked.

"I'm likely going to arrive a day before the party. I still have a lot of work to get through" Zuko answered.

"Well as long as you come. That's all that matters anyway.", Sokka gave Zuko a tight embrace, "Until next time then Fire Lord."

"Sure thing buddy" Zuko chuckled as he returned the gesture. The two friends broke off the hug. Sokka then turned to his sister.

"Alright I'm going to head into my quarters Katara. Don't take too long saying goodbye to your boyfriend." With that, Sokka went on ahead to the boat. Zuko looked to Katara with a confused look.

"You haven't told him about our break-up?"

"We just broke up yesterday Zuko. I've only had time to pack my things and rest for this trip. I'm going to tell Sokka soon, but I need to process what I'm going to do about Aang" Katara explained.

"Have you thought about what you're going to say to him?" Zuko inquired.

Katara shook her head, "I'm not sure what exactly to tell him. I know you said that he could have been lying to me about how he felt, but I'm still scared that he meant it."

"You're not going to find out if you let that fear keep you from telling him how you feel. Personally...I believe that Aang still loves you. Even if he won't admit it himself."

"I'll try to remember that. Hopefully I can figure out what to do on the way to Ba Sing Se. I can't lose him again...I refuse to." Katara stated.

"Atta girl" Zuko smiled as he placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'm sure everything will work out between you two. I just know it."

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