Chapter 28

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Sorry I haven't posted a new chapter in a while. Life has been keeping me busy. Hope you all enjoy this new chapter and be sure to let me know what you thought

Anxiety poked at Aang as he woke from his slumber. Looking outside his bedroom window, he could see that it almost noon. For the first time in a while the air bender woke up later than he normally did. It was to be expected after the eventful day he had before. He threw his covers off and rose from his bed.

His anxiety rising as he freshened up.

'No way it won't be awkward when I get out. How am I supposed to face everyone after what happened? I don't know if I can handle another tense situation with Sokka. Katara seemed fine last night but I made her cry...again. And yet she still refuses to give up on me. Suki...I shouldn't have yelled at her like that. Avatar Kyoshi was right, she was only just trying to help me. I need to apologize to her.'

After getting ready, Aang stepped out of his room and headed towards the kitchen. Upon arriving, he did not find anyone other than Iroh preparing chai tea. 

"Good morning Aang", Iroh greeted, "I hope you slept well."

"Good morning Iroh. I guess I sort of slept well", Aang responded, "Where is everyone?"

"The boys went out to try out some new street snacks that Sokka was curious about. Katara dragged Toph to the shopping district. Suki should still be training in the backyard", Iroh answered.

Aang let out a sigh of relief. At least he wouldn't have to worry about any awkward tension from seeing all of them in one room. Plus, he preferred speaking with Suki first. Aang thanked Iroh and headed out to the backyard. He spotted Suki resting on the bench with her back towards him.

"Suki", he called out to her as he made his way to her. The Kyoshi warrior glanced back, standing up when she saw Aang.

"Oh...hey Aang", Suki sheepishly replied. Her hesitance only making him feel more guilty than he already was.

"Listen...I'm sorry for how I reacted last night", Aang rubbed the back of his neck, "Yesterday was really tense for me, but that's no excuse for how I treated you."

"So you're not mad at me anymore?"

"No I'm just...I'm not angry but I guess I am still upset honestly. I can at least say that I understand why you kept Katara from saying anything to me", Aang admitted.

"You were right to be upset Aang", Suki responded, "I could have told you sooner but it's too late now."

"So are we okay?"

Suki stepped over the bench and took Aang into her arms, "we're okay."

Aang happily wrapped his arms around her. For the first time since yesterday, he felt content. He could only hope that feeling would stick with him. Suki pulled herself back with a hesitant expression.

"What's wrong?" Aang wondered.

" Katara told me what she said to you last night", Suki's eyes darted away. Aang dropped his arms to the side. Suki pulled her arms back and crossed them before glancing back at the air bender. "What are you going to do about it?"

"If Katara wants to be stubborn then there isn't anything I can say to change her mind", Aang shrugged, "but I can be stubborn too. I'll shut down whatever she might try."

"Is that what you really want Aang?" Suki questioned.

"Of course", Aang answered. Suki was now the third person to question him on what he truly wanted and it just irritated Aang.

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