Chapter 1

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  It's been two weeks since Aang ended the war. Across the world the news spread of the Avatar's victory against the self-proclaimed Phoenix King Ozai and the fire nation. There was happiness everywhere. Everyone was happy except for one person, which was the Avatar himself. He was glad that he was finally able to end the war without having to kill Ozai but by taking his bending away. He had fulfilled his duty but had done it with a broken heart.


Before he had disappeared from Ember Island, he was feeling frustrated with the team. They were all pushing him to kill the fire lord but Aang refused to do so because of his air nomad beliefs.

"I'm not going to kill Ozai to win the war! There's has to be another way.", the air bender says while walking away from his friends.

"Don't walk away from this Aang! Get back here", Katara starts to go after him but is pulled back by Zuko.

"Let's just leave him alone Katara.", Zuko had been pushing Aang to kill his father but does not want to be forceful with him.

Aang, with Momo on his shoulders, would be gone from the house for a few hours. By the time he had come back it was dark. He had figured since everyone would be asleep it would be a good time to come back to the house. Once he was back in the house he heard some voices.

"I just don't know what we're going to do with him", it did not take long for Aang to recognize Katara's voice. He walked closer to find her and Zuko talking in the yard. They did not notice his presence.

"I know how you feel but you know Aang better than I do. He's not the kind of guy to go against his beliefs, even if he is the only one that still his.", Zuko said.

"I don't want to make him go against his beliefs but what other choices do we have? Your father won't hesitate to kill Aang", said Katara.

Aang understood how his friends felt but he just couldn't bring it within himself to take a life. Even if that life was the Fire lord. The monks had taught him that life was sacred.

"Lets just hope that we can still convince him. By the way Katara, have you told him anything about us yet?", asked Zuko.

'What does he mean by "us"', Aang thought to himself.

"No, I haven't told him yet. Aang and I haven't really talked too much together since we went to the play", Katara answered.

It was true. Ever since the team had saw the play that was loosely based on their adventures, things were not the same between Aang and Katara. Aang cringed as he remembered kissing Katara after she said she was confused. For some reason he had thought that would have cleared her confusion, but it just made her angry with him.

Aang instantly developed a crush on Katara since he had met her. Over the time they had known each other he had fallen in love with her. When he had kissed Katara on the day of the invasion he had hoped that they could be together once they had defeated the fire lord when he and the rest of the fire nation was at their weakest but their surprise invasion was expected. Aang and Katara never talked about the kiss until Aang had brought it up while they were outside of the play.

"Aang is going to have to know soon. I know we still have our hands full with the war, but we shouldn't hide this any longer", said Zuko with his hands on Katara's shoulders. Aang was starting to have a bad feeling.

Katara looked up at Zuko, "I don't like this either, but I know how much this could hurt Aang if he knew about us. I know that he has feelings for me, and he already has enough problems to deal with. I'm scared that this would be too much for him.".

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